I Think I Just Had A Nerdgasm

<p>So I had some time to kill today and I decided to check my college's main library. I had never gone much further than the ambient front with the starbucks and tables/couches before, so I wanted to know what the actual stands looked like...</p>

<p>MY GOD, it was the biggest library collection I've ever seen! They had rows and rows and rows of books, and they had some savespace thing which allowed the cases to slide over to create walking aisles between currently used rows, which I think will be fantastic until somebody dies trapped in the middle due to a mechanical failure, but who cares it was awesome! There must be terrabytes of information in there... not just books, either, but bound periodicals and journals, dvd's and videotapes (videotapes? How archaic...), and probably some other stuff I didn't even get to see.</p>

<p>Seriously, that library is awesome.</p>

<p>Which college do you attend?</p>

<p>Are the save space shelves mechanical or electronic? If the former, you’re safe. My dad works at one of the libraries at UCLA and he said the electronic ones are terrible because they can be unreliable. If they break, many books are completely inaccessible.</p>


The University of Florida. Before now the libraries I had seen were small public school libraries, a public library, and the Florida International University library (had to go there for some research papers). Although FIU does have a nice library.</p>


I am not sure… I think electronic. There were buttons on the sides of the shelves that needed to be pushed in order to move them.</p>

<p>i feel the same way about the bobst library at nyu. a little part of me dances with joy everytime i go in there.</p>

<p>same when I saw the Boston Public library for the first time! I’ve never seen so many such books in my life in one place together! hahahah</p>

<p>lol my college’s library is better than yours…it’s got all the typical awesome stuff in libraries plus people have sex in it XP</p>

<p>jk all libraries are pretty awesome</p>

<p>hmm does anyone wanna help test out whether people can have sex in my library decently?</p>

<p>My Google skills must be lack. I tried to find a picture of the inside of the Library to no avail. I am ungasmed. :(</p>

<p>OOOOOOOOO…KKKKKKKKKK…<em>akward silence</em></p>

<p>I could only find an outside picture of it: [Library</a> West](<a href=“http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/west.html]Library”>Library West)</p>

<p>Several posts have been removed that had sexual contents and links that are inappropriate for this family-oriented site. Should further problems occur, this thread will be closed.</p>