I think i might have picked the wrong classes for the fall term

<p>I recently registered for the nursing program at Georgia Perimeter College hoping to be able to transfer to Georgia State University in order to earn my Bachelors in Nursing. After paying for the classes that i registered for I looked on the nursing undergraduate admission prerequisites and it turns out that none of the courses that i had signed up for were considered prerequisites in order to enter Georgia State. I was wondering if there was a chance to switch around the classes and not pay another registration fee.</p>

<p>Don’t talk to us, talk to your school’s registrar.</p>

<p>Chances are you’ll have to pay since I imagine the semester is starting soon and there are certain deadlines.</p>

<p>I’d suggest contacting the Guidance Counseling office asap. It sounds like they could be of help in pointing you in the right direction AND they may have the power to make changes in your schedule without incurring any fees, etc. Try that first.</p>

<p>Most colleges will let you change from one registered class to another as long as there is room in that class and as long as you meet the deadline. At most colleges, the earlier you request the change, the better. At my son’s college, all course changes are done online, while at my daughter’s college, you need to call to make a change.</p>

<p>Just look carefully at any prerequisites for those required classes.</p>

<p>At my son’s college, you can be placed on the wait list for certain classes. Many students get into the classes through the wait lists because many other students change their mind about classes. </p>

<p>Some of those courses for which are currently registered may still count towards general education requirements that you typically need for a degree (such as one writing class, one math class, etc.)</p>