I think I'm going to cry.

<p>I think I'm going to cry. I procrastinate in all my AP classes; it has gotten to the point of failing a lot of work. I loathe this. Damn, I was motivated in the beginning of the year, and now, I'm about ready to just say, "*** this." I can only hold back my tears for so long, sigh. How am I supposed to control myself to read a book I can't understand? I don't have the will to find the meaning of every word; I don't want to organize every single sheet of paper into my binders; I don't want to study for the SATs... I'm smart, I recently earned a perfect score on an essay in AP American; I earned a 95 on my calculus test; my AP English teacher told me that I'm one of the strongest writers in the class, in a private manner. Yet, I rather pick my computer than the pages filled with black ink. </p>

<p>Just needed to vent this out somewhere.</p>

<p>I am in your boat.</p>

<p>I have been wanting to throw up for the past two days over this dumb Accounting Exam. And, well - here I am. Waiting for House to come on with the text book on the floor.</p>

<p>Part of me wants to say ‘screw it’ - But, then I look at the High Honor Roll and sigh.</p>

<p>Know how you guys feel. This semester has been terrible for me. We can only hope that things get better.</p>

<p>I…think…I like cookies.</p>

<p>lol. I can relate.</p>

<p>I have a 7 page research paper on nanotechnology + 10 minute power point due tomorrow, and I’ve barely started =/</p>

<p>dude I’m in the same exacty boat</p>

<p>I’m enrolled in 5 AP’s, and each one of those 5 teachers thinks that my day like revolves around their class. it’s ridiculous.</p>

<p>^^invoyable, HAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA.</p>

<p>Lol seriously.</p>

<p>about time to start essay for ridiculously large enviro project. maybe ill finish by 2 and get 4 hours of sleep! i guess thats a good goal</p>

<p>I should start my homework.</p>


<p>Rofl. I am still procrastinating from accounting.</p>

<p>… ****. It’s nearly 11, too. Hahaha. Oh well.</p>

<p>4 AP’s, and definitely in the same boat; however my boat SANK.</p>

<p>I’ve learned that when distractions are surrounding you, you ought to suck it up and just do your work. It’ll all be worth it in the end when you read the acceptance letter from your #1 choice college.</p>

<p>I finally sucked it up and studied for my Algebra 3 exam and I think I did ok…maybe a B…</p>

<p>then read 4-5 chapters of the Hobbit and we have a quiz on it tomorrow.</p>

<p>You read the Hobbit as a book in school? That’s amazing.</p>

<p>Uhm, yeah and about that. I just realized I haven’t even read a AP Britlit book since summer ended. This is amazing. First teacher to only lecture and give study materials out!</p>

<p>But yeah, I think we need to get back on track to the OP. Right now, this thread has become a rant post of our procrastination.</p>

<p>I’ve had procrastination problems since freshman, but I realize that if I want to succeed in college, I have to learn to work. It’s been pretty bad for the last 4 weeks. Not reading a single chapter in biology screwed me over and not doing calc hw at all isn’t such a good idea. Not reading in government isn’t too big a deal though lol.</p>

<p>for me, it’s a bit like Holden Caulfield : “I have to be in the right mood”
you could always work in a different room from the one you are working in normally. Changing scenery helps. Or going to the library to do homework might cut down on game time</p>


<p>I feel you. I could study for my chem quiz tomorrow, or catch up on my math work, but…nahh. AP World History is soundly kicking my ass. Psh. Who needs it?</p>

<p>For some reason, people call me smart. No, not only smart, but an overachiever. Haha.</p>

<p>I can relate… Before I used to start homework as soon as I got home from school, but now I stall until 9 PM or later. I don’t even finish it most days; I just turn in some BS. I haven’t been able to get a good night’s sleep in months. What makes me feel worse is that people think I’m obsessed with academics. The only reason why I’m studying so frantically at school is because that I have a test next period and don’t know a thing. If they could see what I do afterschool, they’d be surprised at what a lazy ass I really am.</p>

<p>I should’ve started on school work, but I chose to do a TASP essay instead. Oh well. Today was good.</p>

<p>…I want to cry too.
I procrastinate for every subject and end up getting really low marks
like right now, I’m supposed to be studying for chem, bio, and history but I’m on CC…
looking for some relief from stress :(</p>

<p>procrastinators unite! you’re not the only one.</p>