I thought I was prepared for everything


<p>SewSheKnits, first find out if there are any traditions to be adhered to. At our school only Seniors can have white ribbons. Juniors can have 1 white ribbon and most use the one that says “JUNIOR” on it for their white ribbon. Some senior girls will have a pair of scissors on their mum dangling on one ribbon to use to cut off any white ribbons on underclassmans mums. And yes, you better get busy on that thing now. If you go into any Hobby Lobby or Michaels you will see some very basic mums and then the things needed to make them. If they have something you like, get it. However, ask around for where the local mum making wholesale store is. We have 2 that are near me, The Sale Place and The Mum Store. You can also ask if one of the organizations sells mums for a fund raiser. Our band sells them at our school. You can get that one and then have a good base to start from. Don’t use just the bare bones one you will find at Hobby Lobby and such.</p>

<p>Let me see if I can remember how to upload a picture and I’ll post D’s 4 mums that are hanging on her bedroom wall.</p>

<p>A mum making wholesale store? I have NOT seen everything, nor do I want to. Slips out of this thread, steps away from CC for a good long while.</p>

<p>LOL! I have a glass of wine while I am making this stuff. :wink: I also only go to the mum store on weekdays, never weekends, ever. The store also sells things like wedding decor and such.</p>

<p>@cuttlefish123- No, not all moms do. They sell them here at most craft stores and florists and other specialty shops. Sometimes school groups do them as a fund raiser. Our band did them for years. And, some are way more extravagent than others. You can even buy basic ones and add your own touches. But, the full blown monsters are hundreds of dollars, they are much less expensive to make and you get to make them more personal.</p>

<p>My son ( now a UAFreshman) made a mum for his girlfriend 2 years ago. It wasn’t over the top, but it took a lot of time and money. It had a a teddy ber and Pokemon character etc. She loved it. We have a trip planned for the ole miss game. Sr d who is a HUGE Bama fan and accepted is not sure hs is coming because it is homecoming and she has a boyfriend (mum). Sigh…</p>

<p>I made DD’s mum last year. It had lights, 25++ streamers, lots of personalization and lettering and cost me over $200 in supplies.</p>

<p>I also made similar ( but not quite as nice, lol ) mums for two other girls whose boyfriends paid me $250 each.</p>

<p>Mums are a BIG DEAL in Texas.</p>

<p>Houston, do we have a problem?! ;)</p>

<p>School had to post a rule that mum streamers could not exceed floor length ( drag on the ground)</p>

<p>What a fun tradition. Thank you for the explanation and videos.</p>

<p>Things really are bigger in Texas!</p>

<p>How is everyone doing now that Thanksgiving is approaching? My daughter from New York LOVES Alabama and we are definitely drinking the Bama kool-aid! We love UA!!</p>

<p>How is everyone doing now that your freshmen are in their 2nd semester? I’m six months away from all of this…I think it’s going to be very tough… </p>

<p>IMO, it is fine as long as they are happy. it is tough if they are struggling.</p>

<p><bump> It is almost exactly one year ago that many of the CC parents of UA freshmen suddenly experienced a dramatic emotional shift. The preparations and excitement leading up to move-in suddenly ends with that “hug and a good-bye” – and you turn to walk back to the car. </bump></p>

<p>As you will read in this string, most are hit hard emotionally by the realization that your DS/DD has moved into their next chapter in life. It will be tough but you will adjust… just know you are not alone in the feelings you soon will experience. It helps to focus on the great experiences they will have and the opportunities that UA provides – that helped me.</p>

<p>Hang in there ya’ll! :-)</p>

<p>Early move-in this week…gonna be a tough one for many of us new, long-distance UA parents!</p>

<p>Amy: hold fast, this emotional week will pass and all will be fine. :slight_smile: </p>