<p>I had a crush on one of my friends for much of the year, and finally told her today, last day of senior year.</p>
<p>I had a feeling all along she didn't feel the same way.</p>
<p>I told one of our friends first and told him to keep it a secret.</p>
<p>Well, today, everything makes sense now. I told her how I felt, then she told me she already knew, since my friend actually told her my secret. And of course, she doesn't feel the same way.</p>
<p>Even before that, she already had an idea that I liked her, and apparently, brought it up during a conversation where i wasn't present. And my friend knew for a few weeks that she didn't feel the same way. I guess this also explains her sudden change of attitude toward me once she found out.</p>
<p>It's just deeply disillusioning. It prolly hasn't sunk in yet and when it does, I'll most likely breakdown in a mix of sadness, anger, rage, confusion, hopelessness, etc. I don't know what to think.</p>
<p>don't worry.. there will be someone else you will meet who you like better and who likes you back just as much.. when you find her, you'll be glad this first girl didn't just "settle" for you</p>
<p>come on, you are going to COLLEGE! forget about her....there will be so many other girls that you will meet who will make you wonder what you ever saw in the this girl. don't let this get you down...you only have a few more months until you leave your home, so spend it with those you love instead of wallowing in sadness. trust me, i went out with someone for all of senior year and part of junior year and when we broke up (almost a month ago), i was really distraught----</p>
<p>"I'll most likely breakdown in a mix of sadness, anger, rage, confusion, hopelessness, etc" </p>
<p>yeah that was how i was...</p>
<p>i still am kind of sad, but i know i need to move on and have fun before i leave my family and friends. so forget about her. :) well that's just my opinion</p>
<p>And, you may be a little mad at your friend for "sharing" your secret....that would have made me mad...why did he tell her? what was his agenda? and if HE knew, why didn't he tell you back? hmmm. me doesn't feel so good about your friend</p>
<p>it doesn't really matter, but he acted like a middle schooler</p>
<p>and as for the girl, hopefully she wasn't too mean - and I persoanlly would be alot more mad at my friend anyway, who knows what he and the girl you like talked about...I would really wonder, and its not to freak you out, but I would take a look at that friendship, its not something you want to hear right now, but find another confidant</p>
<p>At least you told her man. That takes guts man. I give you a ton of props for that. I know you're really hurt right now but you got us to talk to if it will help you.</p>
<p>[Huggles Cherrybarry] :[ It's okay Barry. :D I respect guys who has a lot of confidence to tell girls how they felt. ^^ I hope someone out there who is better will like you back!</p>
<p>Yeah, you definitely deserve mad props for actually telling her. But think about it, it is only highschool and it is definitely not going to keep you from doing things and having fun in the future. There really shouldn't be a feeling of the amalgamation of feelings you described if you look at it the right way. Anyway, good look and I hope you feel better soon.</p>