*****. i typoed. T_T

<p>To my three top schools I sent an essay in which I used "an" instead of "a" before a word that needs "a". It's near the beginning too</p>

<p>crap crap crap crap</p>

<p>I don’t want to make you anxious but this may be serious
I read in a book written by adcoms which once said the more silly the error is the more they think the student doesn’t care about his/her own essay</p>

<p>I am not an expert but it is not that big of a deal unless you do it a lot throughout your essay. If your on the fence then it’s bad though…</p>

<p>this is what i get for not procrastinating. </p>

<p>my dad keeps pushing me to finish earlier, as if turning it in a week before the deadline will aid my chances, well now look at the product after being rushed.</p>


<p>if it makes you feel any better, i had the word shieeett (but you know the real deal) in my essay while i looked for a replacement and i forgot to change it.</p>

<p>lol I accidentally typed an “n” in front of ever to make it “never”…I felt really terrible because I really want to go to the school I sent the essay to but there is nothing I can do about so I’d rather not stress about it :P</p>

<p>that sounds hurt
make opposite meaning…</p>

<p>is it of any use to email the admissions office of the schools? I want them to know that it is a mistake on my part but not a sign of lack of interest in the school</p>

<p>i left “or” in a sentence and it made no sense what so ever. I forgot to get rid of it… :'(</p>