<p>Yeah, so I was thinking that it would definitely be nice to grow a couple of inches...I'm 5'2 and my doctor says I'm done growing :( Have any of you tried taking pills or anything before? Or do you know some of the pros/cons of doing so?</p>
<p>Are you a guy ir gal? I hoep you don't suffer froma napoleonic complex. Either way, there are plenty of short people in the world, and you shouldn't feel any need or pressure to grow any taller.</p>
<p>i'm a girl...and it's not that i feel pressure or anything- i just think it would be nice to be a little taller lol. if there's a way i can do that without any drastic consequences, why not?</p>
<p>Well....there are growth hormones, search for them on google. However, these hormones/steroids are mainly directed for those abnormally short, like under 5', your height is normal for a girl, and there are some nasty side-effects of growth hormones. Many have testosterone and estrogen in them, which can lead to ifnertility, growth of hair in weird places, a deeper voice, etc. Thus, you should really talk to a doctor about that. Anyways, putting foreign objects into body is never a good idea with getting professional advice on it. I dunno the wisdom in asking a bunch of teeanagers about the feasibility of taking growth hormones.</p>
<p>eek that sounds pretty bad...and as for asking a bunch of teenagers, I figured that at least some of the people on these boards have taken/know somebody who has taken the hormones</p>
<p>Be happy on the fact that you're four inches taller than me! lol</p>
<p>Apparently, I'm "abnormally short," according to meetasi.</p>
<p>lol i just took growth pills like 10min ago!
I'm not exactly short (near 5'7 female) but I'd like to be a tiny bit taller. I'm not really sure what it is.. i'll just type what it says on the bottle:</p>
<p>Lacto-bio 2.3
(concentrate IgG milk)
(510 million live cell)
Colostrum is the first milk from the mother immediately after birth.</p>
<p>I'm not sure if it's like hormonal stuff.. My parents are against hormonal stuff (very against accutane) but they're letting me take this so.. i dunno what it really is.
Oh and it has a picture of a cow in the front.</p>
<p>i personally like short girls like yourself, being that short means your adorebale and id wanna hug ya lol.</p>
<p>YES! i have been looking for this thread! i'm shorter than you, we're<em>going</em>down_swinging! ;D. how old are you, btw? cause i think we'll continue growing until we're 19 or 20... (hope so. i'm only 5'1''. gah). can anybody recommend foods/diet or something?</p>
<p>haha i'm the same height as you. i guess now it's just making sure we don't grow wider than we are tall...</p>
<p>i doubt girls grow very much after the first (and most likely last) growth spurt.</p>
<p>i am fully against pills and any unnatural supplements with regard to body and mind development. if things don't happen naturally, they weren't meant to be, and it would be foolish to try and alter things. I'm 6'4 and i am truly hoping to get to 6'6 by the time im 18/19, however I'm hoping that it will all occur on its own accord.</p>
<p>Dang, I'm 18, male, 5"8 and have stayed this height since I was 13, sucks, all of my other middle school friends now tower over me....</p>
<p>I myself am also againt height enhancement things. I think this all just perpetuates that we all have to live up to some certain standard, and I think that's absurd. You should be happy with how you are whether you are short and tall. I mean plastic surgery (for people who do not need it, it's not like they were in a car accident or something, or were born with a deformity), and then height enhancements. Some of you need to grow up and learn that there are other things that are more important than just how tall you are.</p>
<p>Sorry, that turned out to be a bit of a rant LOL :o.</p>
<p>Try Yoga. That'll get you taller.</p>
<p>Wow, that was fast lol thanks for all the responses, guys!</p>
<p>Jo. Inc.: I'm 16...but at my last physical, my doctor was like, "well, you're exactly as tall as you were last year, so I guess you're done growing!" :(
NoFX: Those pills sound a lot better than some other stuff w/ hormones that I've seen online...how well have they been working so far? I know this girl who was like 4'11 and her doctor let her inject herself with hormones at home every day. Now she's taller than me! Not like I would ever go the injection route, because that's a little extreme if it's not used for medical purposes and whatnot...</p>
<p>SevenDust: I've actually been doing yoga for about a year and a half...I never knew it made you taller! But seeing as I haven't grown at all in the last year, I don't think yoga does much for me in terms of height :(</p>
<p>nonononono, abnormally short? When did I say that. I said you were in the normal range for girls' heights. </p>
<p>I'm sure you can always go the willy wonka way have you stretched out in a gum stretching machine.</p>
<p>well, you said that people under 5' were abnormally short...and sneezy said that she's 4'10 (abnormally short according to you)</p>
<p>pills do not work or are very ineffective
i forgot the name of it but its an injection you get near your joints
its legal ask your doctor about it
its illegal however for athlets to use they use it as steroids to build
but if your bone cannot grow anymore dont do it because only specific parts of your body will grow (ex- jaws from james bond)</p>
<p>4'10" I think is medically considered to be "below average." I'm sorry if I couldn't use a better euphemism, but it is the case.</p>
<p>4'10 is short...</p>