I wanna be taller!!! lol

<p>NoFx: is it manufactured on any other part of the world? yes, if it does not bother you :D. the ingredients, i mean.</p>

<p>I'm not really sure.. Stuff like these should be in health food places i think..</p>

<p>ok Ingredients:</p>

<p>Lacto-bio Colostrum 2.3 520mg/capsule
Each capsule contains 510 milion live cells of Latobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Bifidusand and concentrated Lactoferrin (same amount of fresh colostrum 21.5L)
Capsule cell: gelatin, glycerin.</p>

<p>lol don't ask me what they are.. I just typed it out exactly as it is.</p>

<p>Being tall is not what it's cracked up to be. First of all you can't fit in seats as well as normal people (especially at older theater establishments), have trouble getting into/out of certain cars, bang your head on various things, have to squat to use many urinals, and have to buy special clothes from a magazine. Okay those negatives versus what? Being able to reach the peanut butter on the top of the refrigerator...</p>

<p><a href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060120/hl_nm/height_development_dc_1%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060120/hl_nm/height_development_dc_1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>im 5'3" (female)
i thought my height was ave just until my frosh yr but boy i was wrong
all my friends are taller than me~ and i've stopped growing ever since i entered high school
i heard that yoga helps to add height by straightening ur bones..</p>

<p><a href="http://www.betaller.com%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.betaller.com&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>has anybody bought their product yet?</p>

<p>and i heard that proper posture helps.. true or false?</p>

<p>NoFX: now this seriously sucks. i checked out your Lactose, and the stupid drugstore doesn't have it... <em>grumbles</em></p>

<p>Hey, whoever said they were taking those growth pills...i was reading and I saw that one of the ingredients, colustrum, is BREAST MILK!! How do you get that into a pill? Unless its a different kind of colustrum.</p>

<p>29% of American women are <5'2", so don't feel too bad.</p>

<p>I'm tall. You want some of my inches?</p>

<p>Haha, demsoc! So true! And, don't forget having to squat way down when trying to make out with people. Although, being tall is a popular trait to those looking for a guy to date.</p>

<p>Why would you want to grow any taller? Many guys (like me for example) like short girls a lot better than tall girls...</p>

<p>i'm also pretty short...like around 5'1" ish..for a while (like from fifth grade till high school) i thought i would grow taller... but now that i'm 18 i really don't think it's gonna happen... i guess it's ok though... look at the bright side... us shorter people really have the advantage at limboing competitions!!!!</p>

<p>o btw... i don't think i'd ever take the HGH... kinda scares me... i've accepted my shortness... but i do think it would be harder if i was a guy...</p>

<p>runningcircles1: ME! give me some! :D</p>

<p>Lex248: good for you. i can't accept it. i look like kid with a mature face... <em>sigh</em></p>

<p>where's we're-going-down-swinging?</p>

<p>I'm 14, 5'3" and convinced that I'm never getting taller.</p>

<p>Tall people tend to have more heart problems (high heart strain) and tend to be duller (lower blood pressure in the head) than short people .</p>

<p>I dont think Yoga increases height...
There is one Sea Cod Oil Capsules...it helps I guess...It can be taken by anyone just for staying fit...its a kind of natural supplement...but do ask the physician before using :)
I am 5'10.5 Male btw :)
I believe that drinking milk and taking eggs regularly helps a lot</p>

<p>People, get over it.
Height isn't the only thing in the world, and most of you are just petite. Sure you wont be supermodels, but you're actively posting on a website of a bunch of college-obsessees...I doubt modelling is a popular aspiration around here.</p>

<p>Short chicks can wear heels on dates, fit better in airplanes and cars, spend less money because they buy clothes from the kids departments, and many other things. My advice is to learn to love it, hold yourself tall at your tiny height.</p>

<p>Take it from a petite, fully grown girl at 5'1" who loves their height.</p>

<p>^^^^^^ I agree :)</p>

<p>buying kids clothes? thats kind of sad</p>

<p>for guys, being short does have consequences.. like in the business world, tall people receive more promotions than shorter people and make better first impressions.</p>