I want a rematch with Notre Dame!

<p>Our recent additions to the Alabama nation may not understand why this would be such a great match. Notre Dame and Bama have probably the most intense fanbases in the nation, and two of the best traditions in college football. Yes, we finally beat “the Irish” in 1986, but till then, UA had never beat them. Bear Bryant never beat them. The Northern press has always favored the Irish over the Tide. In 1966, the anti Southern atmosphere led the media to jump Notre Dame over Bama for the national title even though ND had one loss while Bama was undefeated!</p>

<p>Here are three clips of two of the losses. </p>

<p>[1973</a> Sugar Bowl Notre Dame vs, Alabama - YouTube](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQwRdb5m-ws]1973”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQwRdb5m-ws) 1973 Sugar Bowl</p>

<p>[1973</a> Sugar Bowl Highlights - YouTube](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji7W8fITBEk&feature=related]1973”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji7W8fITBEk&feature=related) 1973 Highlights of Sugar Bowl</p>

<p>[Bear</a> Bryant Show-Alabama vs Notre Dame 1980 - YouTube](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TO1CJZ1Fb5Q]Bear”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TO1CJZ1Fb5Q) 1980 I watched this as a child and couldn’t believe the Bear couldn’t lead Bama to victory. </p>

<p>Of course, we first need to beat Auburn and Jawja.</p>

<p>I would love to see Bama vs ND. It would be a ratings bonanza. I’m sure the BCS people are chomping at the bit to sell ads for such an event.</p>

<p>Yes, the fan bases for both are nationwide.</p>

<p>I remember watching the 1973 Suga Bowl game with my grandmother when I was a little girl. (My parents were at the game.) I cried and cried when we lost. I too would love to play ND. ND’s coach from that era, Ara Parseghian, is still living at 89…boy how I disliked him when I was little…he broke my heart. RTR</p>



<p>In 1969 Texas won the “national championship” even though Penn State was also undefeated.</p>

<p>In 1973 Alabama won the UPI championship over three (!) unbeaten teams: Michigan, Ohio State and Oklahoma.</p>

<p>So much for “anti Southern atmosphere.”</p>


<p>Texas may not have really been considered “southern” in regards to anti-southern (anti deep-south) bias that may have existed in the early-mid 60s because of segregation - which, unfortunately, the state of Alabama was the poster child…(and has since been redeemed.)</p>

<p>And, by 1973, the bias may have dissipated. </p>

<p>Oh dear…GolfFather’s panties must be in a bunch since Bama may be back in the BCS. </p>

<p>i would love a ND/Bama BCS game. I loved Ara P while growing up and still greatly respect him. lol…but I still would want his team to LOSE this year!</p>

<p>I’d love to see a Notre Dame - 'Bama matchup for another reason: Manti Te’o. My son and Manti attended the same high school and Te’o is one of the most decent guys you’d ever want to meet. When he was a senior and my son a junior, they both attended a varsity sports award program. Te’o was already on stage, having been called up for his award, when my son was called up to receive his award for sailing.</p>

<p>The two didn’t know one another at all, yet when my skinny little kid ambled onto the stage, Manti gave him a welcome-to-the-club chest bump he’ll never forget.</p>

<p>Te’o is a special guy . . . and I hope the Tide crushes the Irish should we get the chance. :)</p>

<p>I agree that a Bama/Notre Dame national championship game would be a ratings bonanza. Both schools travel well and have huge nationwide fan bases. Both teams have to take care of some business to get there, though. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Just to set the record straight, it used to be that the final poll for college football was taken at the end of the regular season. Hence in 1973, 'Bama was #1 and undefeated going into the bowl game with Notre Dame. How they chose #1 changed after the 1973 season, but I am not sure exactly when. My Dad did say that 'Bama being chosen #1, then losing the bowl game, had a lot to do with rethinking the timeline on choosing #1 after the bowls are completed.</p>

<p>My Dad also said that 'Bama got hosed big time in 1966! Read the book, “The Missing Ring”. Great story on the 1966 edition of the 'Bama team!</p>



<p>Hey, don’t knock wearing panties if you haven’t tried it. ;)</p>

<p>And, by the way, I could point out the fact that there was nothing “special” about the report at all. It was just a normal story segment on 60 Minutes. The same kind of regular segment that 60 Minutes has been doing for over forty years.
I could also point out the fact that the vast majority of the report was about Michigan and not about Alabama.
But pointing out facts is interpreted by some as being anti Alabama (which, to set the record straight, in fact, I am not).</p>


<p>Yet, you still felt compelled to ‘point’ it out. :)</p>

<p>Roll Tide.</p>

<p>This past Sunday I met two other UA moms for breakfast in the Chicago south suburbs. Mom “L” notices a guy in a Notre Dame pullover standing by our table. She looks up at him sweetly, batting her innocent eyes, and says “I just have to tell you something” He comes closer to our table, L leans over, grabs his hand, looks up at him and says “Roll Tide”. His face reddens but he smiles and just says “I can’t say what I’d like to say”. We chatted for a few minutes before he left. Was one of those moments to be remembered for years to come.</p>

<p>Those of us in the Chicago area would love, love, love to see the Tide annihilate the Irish.</p>

<p>So, older S explained the Sports Illustrated jinx. It’s “regression to the mean”. That makes me feel better. Go ND.
Roll Tide</p>

<p>Several of us in downstate Illinois would love to see the Tide pound Notre Dame also!</p>

<p>I also would love to see a game between the Tide and the Irish. As a youngster, my dad took our family to the Sugar Bowl, when Tom Clements sealed the win with a late pass from his end zone. I was a basket case for quite some time, as I lived and died with the Tide! Don’t want to jinx the Tide, as they have a big game later today, but here is a link describing the game. [Alabama-Notre</a> Dame BCS title game would be replay of fantastic 1973 Sugar Bowl | NOLA.com](<a href=“http://www.nola.com/sugarbowl/index.ssf/2012/11/alabama-notre_dame.html]Alabama-Notre”>http://www.nola.com/sugarbowl/index.ssf/2012/11/alabama-notre_dame.html)</p>

<p>Randomjoe, I know you say you are from Illinois, but do you have any relatives in Alaska? We do have the same last name.</p>

<p>Sorry, no relatives in Alaska…</p>