I want the hard problems!

<p>In math, 100% of the time the problems I get wrong (usually 3-4 per test) which places my score @ a 32/33 are with in the last 15 questions of the test. And of these problems almost all are due to some stupid mistake on my part. The solution I see for htis is to do more of the hard ones, but I dont know where to get them cause I really dont want to break up a section just to do the hard problems (I do my practice section by section)</p>

<p>im pretty sure in another thread somewhere that someone mentioned a prep book named "ACT for Brainiacs" that focuses more on the more difficult problems on the test</p>

<p>im not exactly positive because that wasnt one of the books i bought... im sure someone on here has it though</p>

<p>I know how you feel. I always miss one (or more), no matter how hard I try - and I'm not even bad at math. Careless mistakes are the death of me...</p>


Yep, I'm one of those persons here who has that book! I just read the introductory chapter yesterday, so I can't really tell you how well the hard math problems match up with the real test; but from what I've read, it would be a book I would definatly recommend for someone that just wants to study the hard stuff. They proclaim the book is only for those who already have an above average score that want to raise it to a "brainiac" score.</p>

<p>Order it on Amazon.com: <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0768913446/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0768913446/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I've used that book. It's awesome, mainly for the english and math sections.</p>

<p>AHHH thank you</p>

<p>you are very welcome!
One question, does registering and paying the fee early guarantee you spot in a specific test center?
Has anyone here not gotten the test center he/she wanted because of a late registration?</p>

<p>mark, registering on time and paying pretty much guarantees you a spot. Last year I heard a lot of people who registered late at my school were forced to go to test centers 1-2+ hrs away and consequently had a disastrous time finding the place, etc.</p>


<p>op, I know your woe. I'm not that good at math anyway but many of the prep books I used only covered the basics of the concepts in each section, with the disclaimer: "the act questions will increase in difficulty," without illustrating how.</p>

<p>I didn't notice the last problems being particularly hard.. they were just about geometry/trig rather than algebra in general, and sometimes on more obscure topics. It's probably more a matter of what areas you need to touch up on rather than needing difficult problems. That's what I found out anyways.</p>

One question, does registering and paying the fee early guarantee you spot in a specific test center?
Has anyone here not gotten the test center he/she wanted because of a late registration?

You are not guaranteed a spot. If your first choice test center is full, they will give you your second choice, then your third; if all your choices are full, they will try to put you in one nearby. Of course, the earlier your register, the less likely it is that your first choice will be full. Someone please confirm this: I think that if you register online, it checks the test center immediately and tells you if there is space. If that happens, then you know you have a spot there.</p>