<p>1st Time
600 Critical Reading
570 Math
560 Writing</p>
<p>2nd Time
660 Critical Reading
590 Math
610 Writing</p>
<h2>Average ECs</h2>
<p>Would I have a better chance of acceptance to the actual university itself (not just the SOM) by applying undecided and spending my freshman in Harpur (to build up my GPA) rather than applying directly to the SOM for accounting?</p>
<p>I'm also planning to apply EA. Is that a good idea?</p>
<p>Your SAT’s are good for Harpur but your average isn’t. Neither is for the SOM, and since apparently, the applications have gone up 50% you should really try RD and totally try extremely hard for your GPA. I don’t think it can increase THAT much, but if it happened to be at least 3.3 you have like a 35% chance. Its slim but its the crap truth =/.
Anyone else have input?</p>
<p>two months ago you posted a chances thread here where you said your gpa was 3.4 – now you say its a 2.9. if there’s been a recent drop in grades to pull it down that much, i think it can hurt what were already not great chances.</p>
<p>harpur is easier to get into than som, but that doesn’t mean its easy. as for transfer – here’s link to faq about transferring into som from harpur <a href=“http://www2.binghamton.edu/som/curstudents/undergrad/faqs.html#Q10[/url]”>http://www2.binghamton.edu/som/curstudents/undergrad/faqs.html#Q10</a> BUT remember, this faq is based on how things have been – intrauniversity transfers could also become harder as more and more applicants may do what you thinking of doing – ie apply to harpur with the hope of transferring into som because of the competitiveness of the admission process. really think about what you would do if you got into harpur and then couldn’t transfer (and i don’t think you can assume you’d get into harpur). according to the faq, you may well not know until junior year.</p>
<p>No, I thought that I had a 3.4 at the time I posted that thread. I was really in for a rude awakening. So no, there has been no drop in my already less than stellar GPA. If Binghamton is out of range (it is my reach), should I be fine in applying to SUNY Albany’s business school?</p>
<p>You have an uw c+ or b- average with very sub par sats and you think you can get into SOM. Sorry but unless your a URM or athlete it aint gonna happen.</p>
<p>You might get into harpur, SOM seems like a high reach, and transferring from harpur to SOM is extremely difficult, you would need like a 3.75gpa in college.</p>