I want to transfer to a UC but I am currently enrolled to a CSU

I am currently enrolled in CSUN for the fall this year as a first time freshmen. I want to know what is the best option to transfer to a UC? I am looking forward to transfer to UC Irvine to take computer science as a major but at CSUN I am currently in to film and television. What can I do to work my way up to it? How can I earn that units to transfer? Should move to community college the next year and transfer? or what is it?

Get stellar grades and apply to your favorite UC once you’ve accumulated 60 semester units. Focus on GE classes that are likely to transfer. Maybe you’ll make it, maybe you won’t. If you don’t Northridge is a good school and there’s no shame in graduating a Matador.

It would likely be easier to transfer to UC from a community college than CSU. I suggest you visit the Transfer Center at your local cc (I’m assuming you’re in-state for California) and talk with them about your options.

Good luck!

I believe grgscrjr is correct. I believe it is almost impossible to transfer from a CSU to a UC. You should call the UC you are interested in about the chances of transferring. Transferring from a cc to a UC is easier, but you still need good grades, probably a 3.3+ gpa, depending on the major and the UC. Transferring from UC to UC, especially from a lower tier to a higher tier, is difficult too, but easier than from CSN to UC.


If you select the Source School Tab at the link above, you’ll find that hundreds of people graduate from UCs each year that transfered in from a CSU. It is not impossible - just not a well worn path. You’ll need to carefully select your classes and earn a 3.3- 3.7 depending which campus and program you want.