I want to transfer to UGA

<p>I want to attend the fall semester of UGA, going to attend GA state, I am really confused about the deadlines and the info provided to me ummm can anyone please explain this to me?
My thinking is that I will have to go a second year at ga state. FYI ga state does not have the major of my choice.</p>

<p>University</a> of Georgia :: Undergraduate Admissions :: Transfer Application Requirements</p>

<p>what are you confused about? it clearly states the fall deadline was April 1.</p>

<p>This the part, sorry for being unclear, the ga state exam schedule, how does that work out?</p>

<p>[Georgia</a> State University - Spring 2010 Final Exam Schedule](<a href=“http://www.gsu.edu/es/18448.html]Georgia”>http://www.gsu.edu/es/18448.html)</p>

<p>so whats your question?</p>

<p>I’m guessing I’m missing something sorry for wasting your time with this question. So new question is there a site where I can check the transfer admission rate for 08 09 and possibly which areas, for example math science majors, got the highest transfer admittance rate?</p>