<p>oh well- its just another thing i suck at</p>
Remember that post where I said that my life sucked. There was too much studying, everybody hated me, and i pushed a handicapped person down the stairs. Well, THAT WAS TOTAL BS. lol. my life is actually pretty fun. I posted my grades in the what are my chances thread. Those are real, except the gay part. I made that one up. I got bored, and set up this fake post to see how nice the people are. A lot of you seemed to really care(smirks). You might be really mad, but it was kind of funny. Well, YOU WOULD HAVE THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY IF IT WASNT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL JUST GOES TO SHOW YOU, NICE PEOPLE GET TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF. yOU ALL WASTED YOUR TIME TRYING TO HELP ME.
Well, have a nice day.
You think you're so cool, but I bet in reality, you're just a lonely loser who wants to appear tough. I feel sorry for you, and your crappy jokes, which you have succeeded in spamming several threads with.
Have a nice day.</p>