I was denied for Virginia Tech's General Engineering program, accepted to Univerisity

<p>I recently found out I was denied admission to Virginia Tech's General Engineering program but was accepted to the school for University Studies.</p>

<p>I was really hoping to be admitted for Engineering considering my stats went even above what Tech's site required for the Engineering program.</p>

<p>I even feel like calling to see what was the weak part of my application, but before I do maybe you guys can tell me why I was denied, or any other factors that could have affected their decision process. Please can anyone even give me some advice to help me make sure I can graduate with Engineering in 4 years instead of staying an extra year.</p>

<p>According to the site, a Pre-Calc or Trig course or higher and two lab sciences are necessary for consideration for admission to Tech. Since I had a pretty good math SAT, take AP Calc BC and AP Physics C, and got a 4 on the AP Chemistry and AP Computer Science Exams I thought I would be well qualified.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.92 Weighted
SAT: 1890 (2400 Scale)
SAT CR: 560
SAT WR: 590</p>

<p>AP Computer Science Exam: 4
AP World History Exam: 3
AP Chemistry Exam: 4
AP Language & Comp. Exam: 4
AP US History: 2</p>

<p>Current Senior AP's: AP Calculus BC, AP Literature, AP Physics C, AP Government</p>

<p>Extracurricular: Track (10, 11) , Varsity Football (9,10, 12), 60+ Hours Community Service</p>

<p>Good Recommendations and I thought my essays were well written and personal.</p>

<p>Thank you for your help.</p>

<p>I have no idea why you didn’t but I did. I got into Engineering and my stats weren’t above yours by that much- </p>

<p>3.95 weighted, 1950 SAT (680 Math, 630 Reading). 4 on AP Chem last year, 3 on AP US History last year.</p>

<p>This year: AP Micro Econ, AP Macro Econ, AP Comp Sci, AP Government, AP BC Calculus, Physics 1, English 12, Accounting</p>

<p>I did have a job throughout high school, and an internship last year making iPad applications. Didn’t play a sport in high school, didn’t have that much community service, etc.</p>

<p>JPatel52 I am in a similar position, although I was denied admission altogether. My stats are nearly the same as yours except I was swimming and football for all 4 years. Can you tell me if you applied in state or out-of-state and where on the status page did it offer you University Studies? And did you know you can request any other unrestricted major if you were offered University Studies? Check out Virginia Tech Undergraduate Admissions on FB for more info, if you need it. </p>

<p>Thanks in advance.

<p>Are you from Northern Virginia? If so then that’s why.</p>

<p>sp1775, I applied for in-state and on the status page under Decision it said “Offered Admission into University Studies (alternate major)”. After that it had links to PDF files on what I can do since I was not accepted into Engineering.
I didn’t know that I can switch majors but Engineering is my goal for college but I didn’t know about the FB page.

<p>chuy, I am from Northern Virginia, but I don’t understand why I would be denied for that reason. Can you please tell me? Thanks!</p>

<p>I don’t pretend to understand exactly how VT does admissions but a big part of it seems to be them comparing you to other people from your school that also applied, and people from Northern Virginia tend to have to have considerably higher stats than people from other parts of VA (or even OOS) to get in.</p>

<p>Well, I would surmise that you were denied admission to Engineering because your SAT reading and writing scores are below average. 560 is downright low. While engineering is known for High Math scores and lower reading/writing, admissions probably were concerned. I don’t think admissions takes into account your AP scores. While 3.92 weighted is good I don’t think that would be considered above average for the accepted engineering students.</p>

<p>It sounds though as if you probably are geared toward engineering. Since you should be able to maintain a good GPA your first year just transfer into Engineering later. No worries.</p>

My daughter is a Junior in a NoVa high school. It’s competitive alright. I’ve been reading and following your post here and in the other thread on waitlist vs acceptance, and I had a question: </p>

<p>Let’s say my daughter does not get into the engg program (can be likely, as her GPA is 3.6 but her SAT is 2000 (will retake) and has strong ECs) - and makes Univ Studies.
If she stays on track and does well and takes that Engg program course at CC over summer, what are the chances of her getting into Engg school. </p>

<p>I ask this, as in, is her getting in dependent on space in the engg prog with anyone dropping out? Is there a fixed number of students that can get in and transfers are based only on space? </p>

<p>Please help us understand. She is our first kid going into college and it is getting quite stressful to say the least.

<p>Kaymom - The GPA may be the issue since many schools have bonus points added to GPA for taking Honors or AP courses. Check to see whether she has taken a rigorous courseload for your HS and, if not, add some more AP classes senior year. The good news is that VT really wants to attract more females to Engineering. So they are going to be looking to make it happen for her. Students usually do better the second time around with the SAT - note that the math and reading scores are the most important. I don’t know whether taking an Engineering course over the summer at CC is going to be of any use for admissions but may be useful if she’s in university studies. Are you planning on taking a tour of VT for the Engineering Open House April 2nd? If so, try to corner someone from admissions for some specific recommendations.</p>

<p>I don’t think it’s hard to transfer into the Engineering Department from University Studies. Below is some information with regards to the Mechanical Engineering Deparment but it should be similar for other programs:</p>

<p>Starting in University Studies & Other Departments
Roughly 10-15% of Mechanical Engineering students start out in University Studies before switching into engineering. University Studies (US) students wishing to switch into an engineering department should meet with their US advisor to carefully plan a course schedule to match the courses they would have taken had they started in General Engineering. </p>

<p>US students should be able to enroll in all freshmen-level courses their first year, with the exception of the Engineering Education (ENGE) courses, ENGE1024 and ENGE1114. Non-engineering students are placed on a waiting list to take ENGE1024 in the spring, and seats are awarded based on GPA’s from the fall semester, regardless of major. </p>

<p>ENGE1024 and ENGE1114 are also available during the first and second summer sessions, respectively, at Virginia Tech. In the past, major restrictions have not been placed on these courses during the summer. Please see the Engineering Education website for more information for non-engineering students. </p>

<p>Students may also earn transfer credits for ENGE1024 and ENGE1114 at select Virginia Community Colleges, including New River, Virginia Western, J. Sargeant Reynolds, Piedmont, Southwest, and Tidewater Community Colleges. Please contact Sarah Deisher in the Dean’s Office if you have questions about which VCCS courses may be taken. You may visit the VCCS website to view course timetables for the VCCS colleges to find out when and where these courses will be offered. Be sure to fill out a transfer credit request form before you enroll for the course(s) to be sure you have selected equivalent course(s) .</p>

<p>University Studies students may transfer into General Engineering after they have completed the first semester of freshmen courses, including ENGE1024, and may switch into Mechanical Engineering when they have completed all freshmen-level required courses (not including CLE humanities electives) and have an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher from Virginia Tech. These are the same requirements for all VT students, regardless of which department they started in.</p>

<p>When students who started in University Studies (or any other major besides General Engineering) are enrolled in the last required course to transfer into Mechanical Engineering, they should fill out a major change request form and return this form to the Dean’s Office in 212 Hancock. If you have questions about your transfer into the Mechanical Engineering Department, please contact Christi Boone. (If you started in General Engineering, you should contact the Engineering Education Department instead.)</p>

<p>ChrisTKD, if you don’t I’m going to copy/paste that (with credit) into about half a dozen threads here, because that’s exactly what everyone needs to know. You rock.</p>

<p>chuy, I was thinking the same thing! Good info, ChrisTKD!</p>

<p>I’m assuming it’s being from NoVA. I had a 1350 on my SAT (CR and math) and a 4.17WGPA and I got denied from engineering as well. I’ve had a lot of help from Chuy and a couple other people and still plan to go after an engineering degree.</p>

<p>I should have given credit to the VT website. There’s a lot of information available but sometimes it can be hard to find.</p>

<p>Thanks so much ChrisTKD, Chuy and all others who replied. Sorry it took me awhile to check back. </p>

<p>That was some really good info and yes, am making sure she reads it all and assimilates it.
To give a gist: Her crse load is heavy. She is currently taking AP Bio, Physics Honors, AP Stats, AP US, Eng Honors and Anatomy and Physio, and Spanish 4. </p>

<p>She intends to keep the APs going next year as a senior - AP Gov, AP Lit, AP Physics, Genetics, Calc AB, Econ (she wants to try and see) and the schools’ offering a course called “Girls in Engg” which helps mentor girls and gear them towards an engg career. </p>

<p>Currently not doing great in Bio, but she has her teacher’s help and support, and rest are all ok.
Yes, she is going to the April 2nd event, and am hoping she will be able to get some more clarity on the school and if this what she wants. </p>

<p>Does emailing the admissions and being in touch help in any way? As in would they be able to steer her towards courses and making it happen?</p>

<p>Am bookmarking this, so thank you again.</p>

<p>Wait, so if I were to try and transfer into Genereal Engineering after my first year or semester ( I wish to major in mechanical engineering), would my chances be good or is that entirely based on my GPA in University Studies?</p>

<p>Also, US students wouldn’t be able to take the engineering base classes in VT?</p>

<p>Calvin1100 - University Studies students may transfer into General Engineering after they have completed the first semester of freshmen courses, including ENGE1024, and may switch into Mechanical Engineering when they have completed all freshmen-level required courses (not including CLE humanities electives) and have an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher from Virginia Tech. These are the same requirements for all VT students, regardless of which department they started in.</p>

<p>Non-engineering students are placed on a waiting list to take ENGE1024 in the spring, and seats are awarded based on GPA’s from the fall semester, regardless of major.</p>

<p>So, as a University Studies major you should take all the first year suggested curriculum for Mechanical Engineering (and ENGE1024 course when allowed). Here’s a link <a href=“http://www.registrar.vt.edu/forms/degree/COE_me_13.pdf[/url]”>http://www.registrar.vt.edu/forms/degree/COE_me_13.pdf&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Some have suggested taking ENGE1024 prior to starting at VT or at Roanoke CC first semester. If took this suggestion and had a cumulative 2.5 GPA after first semester then you could transfer immediately into General Engineering and continue in second semester with the next engineering class.</p>

<p>I saw very similar comments from another VA in-state student. Take heart. You were only denied because you are in-state. We are from Maryland. My son was accepted to VA Tech engineering; but not at Univeristy Maryland College Park (Letters & Sciences only). The hardest engineering program to get into seems to be your own State school. To make it even more crazy – he was named a Meyerhoff Scholars at UMBC Chemical Engineer; Accepted University of Delaware Engineering; big merits at Rose-Hulman and Drexel but not University of Maryland College Park??? This seems to be the trend.</p>

<p>Calvin1100, My son is in that same situation as you, so we are looking at this in some detail. You should be able to transfer into GE if you meet the requirements outlined above but you should also look at the 2013/2014 Path Sheet (<a href=“http://www.me.vt.edu/academic_programs/undergraduate/Path2013-2014[/url]”>http://www.me.vt.edu/academic_programs/undergraduate/Path2013-2014&lt;/a&gt;) While this is unofficial, and subject to change, the prerequisites are set up such that ENGE 1024 sits at the head of a critical path that has no flexibility. If you take ENGE 1024 any later than Fall of your freshman year it would be impossible to graduate in 4 years without taking at least one summer class. For example you could take ENGE 1024 at VT (or a local Community College) during Spring of freshman year then ENGE 1114 over the summer then you are back on track. If you are not concerned about taking five years it looks straightforward. If you want to aim for four you need to make sure you complete ENGE 1114 before the start of your Sophomore year. At least that is our current understanding. We plan on clarifying this with the Admissions office. I think the best options are to take ENGE 1024 at a VCC this summer or fall so you can transfer into GE in the spring. Note that the Senior Capstone Design classes need to be taken in the same academic year so even if your entry into GE slips by 1 semester it would still take five years to graduate. As others have said five yeas might not be an issue - you could plan on a coop option.</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat as most everyone else. Accepted to University Studies, not Engineering. Actually received invitation to apply to Honors but still didn’t get into Engineering. I am from Southwest Virginia and my stats are on par or above most of those who say they were accepted into Engineering. But, I won’t dwell…</p>

<p>I found out that Southwest Va CC offers the Enge 1024 equivalent as an online course during the Summer term of 6/11/12-8/8/12 so I could take the course before starting my Freshman semester at VT. I just don’t know if this is allowed or if I have to wait until I have started classes at VT before taking Enge 1024. I would love to get the course knocked out over the summer before going to VT. </p>

<p>Anyone know if this is allowed? Will taking the course before officially starting at VT cause problems?</p>