I was in the UM in DC program and can answer your questions about it

<p>I know right about now a lot of you are hearing back from RD. Many of you probably got an offer for the UM in DC program + spring admission. I did the program last semester, and can answer any questions you guys might have.</p>

<p>I was offered this opportunity and would like to hear your perspective and what made you ultimately choose it. What did you think of the program? How did you feel about starting at UM in the spring? What were you majoring in? Sorry for all the questions but I am quite interested in learning about the program.</p>

<p>No need to be sorry it makes sense that you would have a lot of questions. I choose it because UM was my first choice and the program sounded like a pretty good experience. At first I would’ve rather just gone to UM in the fall, but I really enjoyed my time in DC and would do it again if I was in the same situation. </p>

<p>The program is great. Every student in the program finds an internship, which was a cool experience. I had friends who worked on capital hill, for the Washington Wizards, got to interview celebrities for a magazine, among many other internships. A lot of the internships involve politics though, so it took a little bit of looking to find something that fit my major. I’m majoring is psychology, but most people in the program are business or pre-med. The classes you take are easy and you get some cool experiences with one of the UM sponsored classes. They might change the class, but when I was there we traveled around DC to places like the EPA or NIH. Donna Shalala also flew down 3 times and got to know us, which was awesome. </p>

<p>Starting at UM in the spring is not nearly a big deal as I thought it would be. UM does a nice job of helping you transition to Miami. The person who is in charge of the entire program is fantastic as well. Most people make a lot of their friends fall semester of freshmen year, so that was a big concern of mine going into UM. The worst part about missing the fall semester is that you miss football season. The way housing for the program is set up is that all of the UM in DC kids are on one floor with only UM in DC kids. Through the semester the whole floor becomes super close and you will make a ton of friends. I actually feel like I have more friends than most UM kids because of the program. All of the UM in DC kids living on the same floor is definitely what everyone misses the most. </p>

<p>If you really want to go to UM I would definitely recommend doing the program. Going into UM in the spring without doing the semester in DC would make more a much tougher transition.</p>

<p>How many students were on the program? It’s with American University in DC correct? </p>

<p>Thanks A227227; your response is very helpful–thanks for taking the time. </p>

<p>@caliman7 - no problem, glad I could help.</p>

<p>@skyblueforever - there were about 65 kids and yes it is at American University.</p>

<p>I think this is a good option if you want to start be involved and make friends at UM. My niece that is pre-med decided to take the time to start college in our state school. UM accepted all the credits and she was able to start the second semester without missing a beat.I guess both are great choices but she spent very little money compared with the AU option and now is very happy at UM.</p>

<p>You prefer Miami to American, correct? Those were my top 2, and most of the people I’ve talked to say that they’re happier with Miami.</p>

<p>Outside of the DC kids where did the other freshman who were admitted to the spring term stay? All together on one floor or no?</p>


<p>Yea I definitely prefer miami by far. The two schools are very different though so it depends what you are looking for. Miami is more your traditional college experience, while AU is very politically oriented. The student body’s of the two schools are very different as well.</p>


<p>The UM in DC kids living on one floor is only for the semester in DC. Once you get to UM the housing is done more by what is available. For us the two options were either: live in in the sophomore suite style housing and be guaranteed your roommate selection, or live in freshman housing but May or may not get your roommate of choice. I’m assuming spring admits have the same choice.</p>

<p>Really good insight thankyou - Was it your impression that the academic thresholds (GPA / Test Scores) were a little more relaxed for this program than the regular Fall admit? The reason I ask is that my student is on their bubble according to statistics but dearly wants to go to Miami if at all possible - Also, is the program invitation only or can you apply directly to it? </p>

<p>Yea the academic thresholds were a little more relaxed, but not super significantly unless you made a sizable donation or built a building on campus. There were some kids in the program that I was surprised didn’t get in fall semester and others who I was surprised got in at all. No you cannot apply directly to the program, but applying ED will definitely show the admissions office you really want to be there.</p>

<p>Did most students on the program apply either ED or EA? Rather than RD? </p>

<p>Or did it make no difference? </p>