I was not expecting this..

<p>I never really worried about the cost of college because my parents always assured me that they would pay whatever. I would get yelled at if I talked about getting a job and only over the summer I finally got one. I still work there, and bring in about $100 per week.</p>

<p>I talked with my parents and apparently, they will not pay ANYTHING for any college unless I major in pre-med/biology/etc and become a doctor. Also, they now refuse to pay for the private universities I applied to. (Since I will <em>defintely</em> get into medical school and that's going to cost more, ugh)</p>

<p>I really cannot stand my parents and I need to dorm..I'm taking the ACTs December 8 and I am hoping to score around 30+ to get some scholarships.</p>

<p>Are private universities now out of the question? I will basically have to pay for it myself. After the ACTs, I will be looking for a job with a lot more hours and hopefully bring in more money.</p>

<p>I am obviously applying for financial aid now, so when colleges see my parents aren't contributing, will they take that into consideration?</p>

<p>On the Rutgers application, it asked if I would be applying for financial aid, and I put no. I asked my parents about it at that time and they said they would pay. Now, I don't know what I'm going to do..</p>

<p>I don't think I want their money now anyway because even if I do want to go into the medical field, I don't need them pressuring me. Come on, "if you don't major in pre-med, we won't pay."</p>



<p>Your parents will have to provide their financial information when you apply for any need based aid. The schools do not take into consideration whether your parents are willing to contribute to your college expenses. If your parents have the resouces to contribute to college expenses, the colleges will expect them to do so.</p>

<p>Just curious...what do you plan to major in? Students planning to attend medical school can major in ANYTHING so long as they fulfil the math/science prerequisites for medical schools and do well on the medical school admission test (whatever that's called). If you have applied to LAC type of schools, you likely have a core requirement of courses that would include math/science courses. Do some research...show your parents the statistics that say that students from ANY major can apply to med school.</p>

<p>Now...re: private vs. public universities and the costs...did this ever come up before? This is a conversation that ALL families should have prior to the applications being sent. Could there be some other reason your parents are asking you to consider the public university? And by the way...Rutgers is a fine university.</p>

<p>fade - at most schools there is not a premed major. Most medical schools require you to have taken certain prerequisite classes (chemistry, biology, organic etc) but other than that they do not require a particular major. My D is thinking medical and is majoring in sciences because that is what she loves - and minoring in something else. She is just making sure to include all the required classes for med school. Most schools have premed advisors who will help guide you through the process and make sure you get all the needed classes. They all will tell you to major in something you can make a career from as all premeds need a 'plan B'. Maybe if your parents understand this it will help. Go to the web sites of some of the schools you are interested in and do a search for premed and show them what it says.</p>

<p>As thumper said - your parents unwillingness to pay is not taken into account by schools. Only theira bility based on quite specific formulas. If they are truly not willing to pay you need to look at schools where you are in the top statistics wise and that may help you get merit aid.</p>

<p>I think you have to provide proof of financial independence from your parents (not easy to do). Look up the CSS/Profile and FAFSA applications to see what's involved in applying for financial aid. They will tell you how much your parents have to contribute according to their profile. You can't just say "oops" my parents aren't contributing anything. If you are a really good student (e.g. National Merit Semifinalist) some schools offer full rides (they may not be the ones that you want to go to, but they are very good schools). Work is nice, but for a private school that will cost you $35000 to 50000/year, at $100 per week, you do the numbers. If you spend 10 hours filling out scholarship applications and you get $1000, it means you made $100 per hour, so it's definitely worth to spend the time doing that, even if it is 100s of hours. Have a very long talk with your parents and be prepared for State University or Jr. College.</p>

<p>I agree with posts 2 and 3.</p>

<p>The whole college cost didn't come up before. My mom's a nurse and one of the doctors said something to her and now she's all like "you're going to montclair or rutgers." Rutgers is a good university but I've been planning on going out of state for a while. I guess life's just not fair. I told my mom about how there really isn't a pre-med major, how you can major in anything, etc but she won't listen to me. As soon as my Acts are done, and the Sat subject tests this weekend, I'm going to either ask for more hours [which will require me to come home at 1AM :(] or find another job. </p>

<p>I'm just in shock..they wouldn't let me get a job until I turned 17 because they said they would pay. </p>

<p>Oh, and I'm going in as undecided. I guess the smart thing would be to study until my brains explode for the ACTs, get into a school I can afford, and go from there. :(</p>

<p>Go to collegeboard.com and look up financial aid.</p>

<p>I would ask your parents to run their financial numbers on the College Board website to get an idea of what their expected family contribution will be.
Do they know that on-campus costs at Rutgers for 2007-8 are $20,096, and $21,040 for Bio majors?
I would also search for private colleges known to give merit aid.</p>

<p>Cheer up and use a little finesse. Apply where you want to go as a double major in Biology and something else you are really interested in, like Art History. Tell your mom that is "pre-med," which it is by any definition. Then do what you want to with the full support of your parents. </p>

<p>This puts off the day of reckoning until after organic chemistry, and by then the world will have turned quite a few times and who knows what your state of mind will be then. Meanwhile you have not needlessly ticked off your parents at this critical time.</p>



<p>Even IF they had let you get a job when you were old enough to do so, it is HIGHLY unlikely you would have been able to bank the total $160,000 plus that it will cost you to attend a private LAC. There is no sense in you mulling over this "lost income" as truthfully it would probably have made just a small dent in the costs. Do not work until 1 a.m. NJ has child labor laws that will preclude you from doing this anyway when school is in session.</p>

<p>It sounds like you need to have a plan B for now that will be acceptable to both you and your family. Perhaps THIS should be the focus of your discussions.</p>

<p>What LAC's did you apply to? Are you at the top of the stats in terms of merit aid possibilities? And again I ask....what ARE you planning to major in? Remember too, that most students change their majors MULTIPLE times before they graduate.</p>

<p>I mean, at least I would of had something, you know? And my boss is insane, he probably would let me or at least until 12. But I don't want to find behind in school but anyway you're right. </p>

<p>I applied to Temple, Rutgers, American University, UMass Amherst, Northeastern and I will be applying to Boston. The only one I'm at the top of the stats is Temple. I really won't know for sure until I take my ACTs in 2 weeks. [I received 1150/1740 on my Sats superscore] </p>

<p>I'm not sure what I'm planning to major in. Maybe psychology or biology..</p>

<p>Yes, my parents know how much Rutgers costs but they assume I'll be receiving a scholarship, which I won't unless I receive an amazing ACT score. [I'm going to be tutored by a princeton review tutor so hopefully I'll receive a good score]</p>

<p>and organic chem, I heard it's a killer lol</p>

<p>Thanks guys, I think I have to have a long talk with my mom. She never had any problems with college costs until one of the doctors she works with said something to her. My parents have been saving for my college tuition my whole life (which I realized is another thing that's going to show up on the financial aid form, ugh).</p>

<p>Is the problem with Rutgers that you will be expected to live at home?
Otherwise, it seems like a good target school for you. I have to think that your parents would pony up if they knew they had to.</p>



<p>I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if you aren't in the running for scholarships at your own flagship U, it is unlikely you would be in the running at Temple (which is a PA state school...money at state schools is typically for instate residents except in the case of specific scholarships for OOS that the school is REALLY looking to enroll). </p>

<p>You say you are planning to major in biology or psychology. Well...isn't biology one of the majors your parents WANT you to major in? I'm confused now. </p>

<p>You say you are applying to Boston? Is this Boston University? You probably know it is VERY expensive and unless you have pretty top stats, you would not be in line for any of their full tuition scholarships. </p>

<p>Before you expend energy on a BU application, have a serious talk with your parents...Mom and Dad...not just mom. Be honest, and discuss your plans, etc. You don't mention your dad's position on this. Perhaps an open discussion will yield a better result than you think.</p>

<p>In the meantime, instead of BU, I would be looking at applying to another school you like. You need to know just how much your parents ARE willing to pay...for any school including Rutgers. Then start looking around...quickly.</p>

<p>No, I applied to their New Brunswick campus (I have to dorm) but I just wanted to go out of state.</p>

<p>Well, I'm going in as undecided as I said, I might end up in biology, I might not. My parents want me to go in declared as biology/pre-med/etc. That's basically the issue. They are shoving medical school down my throat. I don't think they grasp the whole concept I might not end up in medical school. </p>

<p>I applied to Temple since my counselor recommended it as one of my safeties. </p>

<p>Yes, Boston University. My dad just told me before to go to a community college or Felician College. =/? [Both of my parents did not go to college here..they have no idea] This all just happened this morning. I'm going to sit down and talk to them sometime this weekend when all of us have calmed down.</p>

<p>Many schools just ask you to "declare" or apply to the college within the university. For example, at Boston University (one of your potential choices) you would apply to the College of Arts and Sciences. Students majoring in the humanities and sciences (both bio and psych are in those areas) would be within the College of Arts and Sciences. You would NOT apply to the biology major or the "premed" major (which doesn't exist anyway). Your list of schools is comprised of universities, and my guess is that this is the case at ALL of them. In fact, most students do not declare a major until after their freshman year at the earliest. The exception to this would be engineering but that doesn't seem to be on your radar screen. SO...you would be applying to the "college" within those schools that your parents want you to apply to. This would be the case for Rutgers as well. </p>

<p>Perhaps someone knows the specifics of these universities. The only one I can speak to with confidence is BU.</p>

<p>i suggest that you do have a long chat with your parents. show them the tuition costs when you do so, and explain to them that without financial aid, how do they expect you to go to college?</p>

<p>i bet they change their minds pretty quick.</p>

<p>good luck</p>

<p>Are your parents doctors? This question comes up all the time. Its fairly common. Overzealous and controlling parents meddling in a kids career choices with an independent kid who isnt quite sure what to major in, and the parents are using emotional and financial blackmail to try and influence the decision.</p>


<p>We never told our kid what they HAD to major in, nor what school they HAD to attend. Our kid did very well in high school and stayed OUT OF TROUBLE so as a reward, we allowed a lot of latitude on this issue. But that being said, we didnt abdicate our role as wise owls: knowing our kid, interests, financial issues, likelihood of being admitted or rejected, the ups and downs of various majors and careers etc. So we worked together and came to a sort of concessus on the issues. Our kid applied to several schools, weighed the ones where we received acceptance letters, discarded the rejections, held onto the wait lists. Then we culled over the programs and course offerings of the various schools, made our school visits and went from there. As it turns out, private schools offer significantly more aid (both merit and financial) than public schools. So it almost equalled out. </p>

<p>On the issue of majors, we had some opinions we voiced but did not threaten. We just said, "consider these options, both positive and negative". Our kid is a musician but ultimately decided against being a music major as it would inhibit graduate school choices outside of the musical world and he/she had no desire to become a professional musician, despite the obvious talent. So we picked a school where music could continue to be a part of our kid's life by playing in the school orchestra, but could major in something else. </p>

<p>Majors typically change in kids' minds very frequently. We said, "we really dont care that much and if you pick something we don't favor, we will always love and support you, but you will be on your own once you graduate so think about that real hard." And we also know that people perform the best in life where they have the most passion. And that people bomb the most frequently when they are forced to do something they hate. That is true for med school, law school, dental school, architecture school, music conservatory, art school, business school, or any profession. If you don't love what you are doing its a recipe for a very unhappy life. On the other hand, we also know that many college majors don't equate to specific jobs and really don't have to do so. The notion that EVERY college major must be specifically tied to a specific career path to be relevant is ridiculous. Kids with majors in Spanish and History still get into Medical school and law school all the time. You may take biology and chemistry in college and HATE IT. Or you may discover your passion and take off like a rocket ship. </p>

<p>Tell your parents, "I respect your advice and counsel and I thank you. I will keep everything you say in mind. But I really need to just relax and take the first year courses without undue pressure on a specific career path and see where I do my best and what interests me the most. I know you want me to be happy and successful, and to be successful one should first be happy. Please love me and accept me for who I am and help me grow into the complete person I want to be." </p>

<p>Its also important to know that the medical field and legal and dental fields are FULL of professionals who are depressed, alcoholics etc. often because they ended up in those fields for the wrong reasons, sometimes because of parental pressures. </p>

<p>Dont insult your parents. They likely are just trying to help you succeed and are succumbing to all the pressures that senior year brings with college applications and worrying about paying for it. </p>

<p>Apply to state schools and a few MATCH private schools and see what happens with financial aid. You may be pleasantly surprised. Then go to college with all the vigor you can muster because you will need it. DONT PARTY when you get there either or you will bomb. Take each class with an open mind, work your best and give yourself time to find yourself and your passion. You have until second semester sophomore year or early junior year to declare your major. </p>

<p>Yes its a great career to become a doctor. But its lots of hard work and very expensive. Too expensive to throw good money after a bad decision for you personally.....IF ITS NOT YOUR PASSION. Being an outstanding doctor REQUIRES that it be your passion. Nobody likes an unhappy doctor.</p>

<p>In extreme circumstances you can become independent from your parents and get financial aid on that basis, but that has a lot of emotional baggage with it as well. </p>

<p>This is a stressful time for all families with college admissions etc. Try and be understanding of each other's perspectives and tell your parents they are a little bit ahead of themselves on this issue...to relax...there is plenty of time to decide a college major and decide if you will be a medical student or not. Tell them you will do your very best at whatever you decide to do and that is really all they can expect from you. They have a right to know their "investment" in paying tuition is not wasted on something goofy or ill suited for you. But the first year or two of college is just taking required core classes or distribution classes anyway...which is designed to give you a broad perspective to ASSIST you in making a decision LATER ON about a major. </p>

<p>State schools are cheaper generally...but not always after financial aid is considered. And state schools have other social issues to consider....including massive bureaucracy and a huge size often enough. Some kids perform better in a smaller college and that ENHANCES their opportunity to get into medical school. So tell your parents that as well.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Beautifully said.</p>

<p>"I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if you aren't in the running for scholarships at your own flagship U, it is unlikely you would be in the running at Temple (which is a PA state school...money at state schools is typically for instate residents except in the case of specific scholarships for OOS that the school is REALLY looking to enroll)."</p>

<p>This is generally the case, but I'd suggest that New Jersey is a bit different. There's been a huge budget issue with schools, and they've recently stripped funding tremendously. If you visit the website, they say that they will be unable to give nearly as many scholarships as normal, and how much they will be or for how long they're renewable for is still uncertain(I think they're honoring the already offered ones, but I'm not positive.) </p>

<p>Same goes for TCNJ, and the other state schools of New Jersey.</p>

<p>So, in this one case, it is actually possible to get a scholarship from one and not the other(Pennsylvania, to me anyway, has been rather generous.)</p>

<p>Anyway, sorry for the digression and any incorrect facts. This is my understanding of the situation. I guess I want to be the bringer of good news :)</p>