I was wondering

What happens if I want to go to a UC but I am one req short of A-G (I took Con chem and not chemistry) Would there still be a chance of being accepted?

@Matteo123: So you do not have 2 Laboratory science courses? What science courses have you taken or will complete by end of Senior year? What is Con Chem?

See requirement below:::
UC requirement: Two years of college-preparatory laboratory science, including or integrating topics that provide fundamental knowledge in two of these three subjects: biology, chemistry, or physics. One year of approved interdisciplinary or earth and space sciences coursework can meet one year of the requirement. Computer Science, Engineering, Applied Science courses can be used in area D as an additional laboratory science (i.e., third year and beyond).

If you do not meet the minimum requirements then your application will not be considered.

Agreed - if you don’t have all of the a-g requirements checked, they won’t review your ap further. Find a way to check the boxes or, you won’t be attending a UC next year.

If your heart is set on a UC degree and that’s not possible, you can attend a CC then transfer as a Jr.
I would add that most privates as well as OOS publics are more flexible the UC/CSU, so, there are lost of other options you could explore.

Good luck