<p>I have been a slacker in high school, I wasn't aware of what i was doing and now i am going to be a senior. I have a GPA of 83% took no AP or Honors classes at all and my SAT is 1700. I am willing to put all i can into this summer to have a chance to get into Stony brook.</p>
<p>I am already working SUPER HARD on SAT's I will definitely bump up my score to 2000-2100. I will do anything to get in. Any tips on how i can improve my Activity Sheet, College Applications, and my Essay as well. Is it possible for me to get into Stony Brook?</p>
<p>i got accepted into stony brook with a 90 gpa and a 1670 SAT score, you will be fine as long as you have a solid essay, recommendations and some community service/job/EC, i still think you should work hard and everything (dont slack off lol) you could also go to [College</a> Search and Reviews, Scholarships, College Admissions Chances - Cappex](<a href=“http://www.■■■■■■■■■■/]College”>http://www.■■■■■■■■■■/) and they give you a rough estimate on your chances of being accepted based on the information that other students have given them, hope that helped :)</p>
<p>I would also like to know, how much does Stony look at EC’s and awards???
I’m not special - I don’t stand out and I don’t have anything that really distinguishes me, like a state or national award. My biggest recognitions would probably be being national merit commended
which means I wasn’t even a semi-finalist.</p>
<p>How does SBU look at teacher’s recs? I’m not expecting very outstanding ones
probably one good one and another mediocre one…</p>
<p>Well I only did 2 EC and I had a job, they look at more of the overall grade, of course the more EC you have the better but they tend to look more at your gpa and SAT scores, I had no awards or anything of that nature and I got in, you have a really good chance of being accepted and if you are not, you can always transfer</p>
<p>i got into stony with an 81% gpa and 2010 sat. your fine.</p>