Hello! I am a high school junior who is interested in medicine and research. I was wondering if someone could perhaps chance me with colleges in my list (and if you can, match me with suggestions of your own?). I understand that essays are a HUGE component to applications, so if anyone has any tips, I would appreciate it! Thanks!
- United States Citizen
- Public School
- Female (she/her/hers), Asian American
Intended Major(s)
- Biology
- Premedicine
GPA, Rank, and Test Scores
- Unweighted HS GPA: 4.00
- Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): 4.95 (there is a cap at 4.95)
- Class Rank: 1 of 789
- ACT/SAT Scores:
- ACT 35
- SAT 1560
- 6 AP Classes Taken:
- Human Geography: 5
- Computer Science Principles: 5
- Calculus AB: 5
- Biology: 5
- World History: 5
- Seminar: 4
- 5 Current APs:
- US History
- Chemistry
- Research
- English Language
- Calculus BC
- 4 APs for senior year:
- US Government
- English Literature
- Statistics
- Physics 1
- 7 honors taken and current, 1 honor next year (Sports Medicine), 1 Dual Enrollment next year (Psychology)
Extracurriculars and Awards
- Quiz Bowl - captain for 2 years, won championships twice
- National Science Bowl - captain for 1 year, won 5th place in Regionals
- Science Olympiad - won 3rd place for my event (Anatomy)
- American Cancer Society - president, founder, legislative ambassador, raised $1000, led a crane drive for Breast Cancer Weekend
- Mu Alpha Theta - vice president, logged hours for tutors
- I was a research assistant and got work published as a co-author for a top 250 journal.
- I co-founded a non-profit that provides free educational services for my religious community on weekends.
- I recently won a travel scholarship to advocate a legal issue of my interest to my lawmakers.
- AP Scholar with Distinction
- I am part of 2 other clubs but not as deeply committed to them.
I’ve had three teachers promise me to write rec letters, so I think these will be very strong because I took classes with them and were involved in their extracurriculars.
Cost Constraints / Budget
No cost constraints at the moment
Schools (I plan on applying to all as Early Action or Regular Decision)
- University of Nevada Las Vegas
- University of Nevada Reno
- Stanford University
- Cornell University
- Brown University
- Johns Hopkins University
- Duke University
- University of California Los Angeles
- University of California San Diego
- Rice University
- Vanderbilt University
- Emory University