<p>I am signed up for Ib 132 but it says on the bspace site that the prereqs are:
Prerequisites: 131, Biology 1A.
But I have not taken neither of those courses.
I am not sure if I need to have taken these or it is okay even if I have not taken them yet. I looked at the class syllabus and I am not sure why those classes are prereqs.</p>
<p>you ought at least have Bio 1A or a 5 on Bio AP.</p>
<p>So does it mean that I need to have had taken either of those classes..AP bio or bio 1a? Or does it mean that it is reccomended?</p>
<p>It is preferable that you have Bio 1A OR a really good AP Bio teacher OR both.</p>
<p>Don't take the class if you don't have one or both of those</p>
<p>I took AP bio and received a 5, but I've forgotten most of the details. Does IB132 require such details?</p>