IB Advice?

My schedule next year is as follows:
-HL Visual Arts
-HL Spanish
-HL History of Americas
-HL English
-SL Environmental Systems and Societies
-SL Math

Can anybody tell me what to expect from these classes?

I can only comment on English and HOA. Neither is too bad. Expect a lot of writing.

I will say at my D’s school only Spanish speakers take HL, all others take SL.

She is taking HL Vis Arts and honestly, one semester in, she regrets the choice. She used to love art, now she hates it. I don’t know how much of this is a function of teacher or the program, so do talk to current students at your school to get the full picture. I think every school can be very different.

It depends on each school.
My English teachers have been very strict, but I’ve read some great books over the course of 2 years, and have developed a love for literature (even though I’m more of a science person). I didn’t think the English assignments for IB were extremely hard either.
History of the Americas really just depends on how much u like history.
SL Math is easier than AP Calc but idk it can be tough depending on the teacher/how bad you are at math.
I take SL Spanish and it’s one of my easier classes, because I’ve had both good (really learned a lot) and bad (didn’t learn anything, but easy to get a good grade) teachers. I do think HL requires more effort.
I picked SL chem over HL visual arts/photo and even though I’m not a huge chem fan, that was such a good decision bc like the person above said… Visual Arts can be so demanding in the IB program, especially if ur teacher sucks.