I will be a senior next year and I have been taking numerous AP courses.
I'm wondering if there is any point taking only Year 1 of an IB HL/SL course in social studies.
Should I just stick with my APs?
Because if I only take the first year, I can't even get the IB certificate...so really, what's the "use" of it :/ I want to have a rigorous schedule, and one that has a clear ending. I doubt learning only the first half of the course's material will have that.
Thanks! :)</p>
<p>No point in doing that. Just stick with your AP classes.</p>
<p>Only take it if the subject matter interests you.</p>
<p>There’s not really a point, unless the first year of the course is known for being incredibly interesting in a subject you enjoy.</p>
<p>I agree, if it’s a course you love TAKE IT! Cause you’ll love it anyway, so gaining nothing from it won’t be too much of a bummer. However, if you don’t care for it, don’t take it. There’s little point.</p>