IB & AP Course Selection for Pre-Med

<p>Hi Everyone!</p>

<p>I am going to start making high school junior and senior year course selections in a week and was just wondering if you all could give me some input about which courses to add and which to drop. UPenn is my dream school, and, thus far, I am intent on becoming a doctor (majoring in biology, on a pre-med track, CAS). </p>

<p>The courses offered are:
IB Spanish SL/HL* (2-year commitment: junior and senior year)
IB World Literature HL* (2-year commitment: junior and senior year)
IB History of Americas HL* (2-year commitment: junior and senior year)
AP Chemistry (1-year commitment: junior; credit awarded: Chemistry 091; no lab credit)</p>

<p>*I can either take IB Spanish HL and choose from one of either IB World Lit or IB History or I can take IB Spanish SL and take both IB World Lit AND IB History. I know that I shouldn't be saying this but, all colleges care about the amount of IBs and APs you take and succeed in, so would taking more of these classes, while sacrificing some college credit (see below for world language HL/SL debacle), be beneficial?</p>

<p>I also know that UPenn has a requirement for foreign language proficiency, and I believe that the HL World Language, would cover that requirement, but the SL would not, though I am not sure. And the IB Lit credit can apparently only be transferred to cover an "English Free," but will not cover the college writing requirement. Does anyone have any idea what that means?</p>

<p>Here's the full listing of transferable IB/AP Credits:
<a href="http://www.admissions.upenn.edu/apply/freshman-admission/ap-ib-and-pre-college-credit%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.admissions.upenn.edu/apply/freshman-admission/ap-ib-and-pre-college-credit&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

Thank you all in advance!</p>

<p>shameless self-bump</p>

<p>Sorry I couldn’t reply sooner, but heres the thing: I’ve looked into going to med school (currently set on physical therapy school, but I change my mind all the time). Some med schools don’t accept AP/IB as requirements. So just know that you can’t apply these toward pre-med requirements for all med schools. </p>

<p>“Free English” i’m guessing means that say you will get 3 credits in english, but most colleges require you to take certain “writing intensive” courses. thus, you’re IB credit won’t apply to that.</p>