IB Chem vs IB Bio

I’m a sophomore planning out my schedule next year. I’ve been in the pre-IB program for 9th grade and currently 10th grade, taking Bio the first year and currently Chem. I really don’t know what to do for my career yet, but I’ve been thinking of being a dietitian… I think I struggled more with Bio than Chem? (like memorization vs calculation - I’ve done pretty well with the stoichiometry stuff this year compared to the enzymes and body process last year). With this career in mind, which one would be the best option? Thank you!

I’m in IB year 2 and I take both bio and Chem. I personally find chemistry harder than bio but it really depends on the person. And i think it really depends on the teachers because some teachers make tests a lot harder than the actual IB so it’s hard to get a good grade. I would talk to the teachers and ask if they think you’re up to it and to current IB students. Or maybe you can take both and try them for a few weeks, then switch out if you decide you don’t like it. I feel like being a dietician would be more bio, but idk I’m just supposing, so maybe research courses that dietitians must take.

I am currently in IB chemistry. It is very difficult, but I do not regret taking it. Here are some general tips I have to help you make your decision:

  1. Do you understand mathematical concepts?
    -Although biology does have some formulas, chemistry is a math-based science. If you understand math easily and/or like it, chemistry may be best for you.
  2. Are you good at memorization?
    -Biology is a lot of memorization. Chemistry involves memorization but it also involves application of that memorization.
  3. What are your career goals?
    -I see that you would like to be a dietician. You will most likely have to take both, so either one would work for you.

By your description, I would recommend chemistry. Take chemistry SL unless you need an HL class. HL chemistry is very difficult and rigorous.

I’m a senior, and I have been taking Bio HL and Chem SL for the last 2 years. My teachers were not very helpful in either subjects, especially chemistry, but biology is easier to study on your own - even for the IB exam, but chemistry is a little harder. You can take both - see if that’s allowed in your school? Don’t just base it off of what subject you were better at in 9th and 10th grade, bc IB diploma classes are much more challenging, so think about quality of teachers at ur school for the 2 subjects too!

I’m currently taking IB Chemistry HL II as a senior…and it…is…HARD. Stoich is the most basic basic basic given thing students are expected to be able to do in the very first class. I thought IB Chemistry I was easy, so I took IB Chemistry HL II…definitely definitely not easy.

I suggest that you talk to your IB Coordinators, assuming that you have them at your school, IB Chem and IB Bio teachers, and upperclassmen who are currently taking the class. Get some insight and information to course load, stress, management, etc. Get a feel before you dive in, cuz you definitely don’t wanna make the wrong choice.