IB Course selection help - too much?


I’m currently a sophomore and would like to get some advice on my planned selection:

HL’s - Maths, Bio, chem and history
Sl’s - english lang and lit, french

however im currently taking physics hl 1 (not as a DP subject - looking to get a certificate next year) so next year i’ll have 5 hl’s to handle

so i was wondering if

  1. will this be too much? im struggling slightly with maths and physics right now but school just started so i guess we’ll see
  2. should i take out the history and opt for business management sl?
  • looking into medicine in the future so neither matters - but in terms of course load im willing to make a change

target score is 40 or above

thank you in advance!

Take history SL. It’s more academic than business (and more relevant since you’ll have humanities/social science classes as a premed) but still as an SL less time consuming.

3 hls is all you need. Part of the process is learning to find the balance between what you need to learn and what you want to throw yourself into. Since you can’t test until next year, use this year to continue to work that out.

Did you chose HL Math, Bio and Chem because you want to study medicine? If that’s true then I think those classes may not help you to become a medical student. You will have plenty of time to study sciences in college for medical school admission. To again medical school admission you need to be strong in English and social science. I would choose at least 1 HL in English or history.

thank you all for replying!! @MYOS1634 , was wondering if you took the course? if so what’s the average homework load? @gardenstategal my school allows 4 so that’s why i’m considering it - but nevertheless thank you for the advice! ill keep that in mind!! @coolweather yep i did - however im looking into both universities in the UK and US and most UK schools do require chemistry as a compulsory sub and another science or maths hl - but i think a good mix will still do me well so thank you for reminding!