IB course selection--If I take IB Dance HL, should I take 4 IB HLs?

Hey, I’m a sophomore planning to take IB Diploma next year. I’m an avid dancer and would love to take IB Dance HL (not just for personal interest but also because it would reflect well with colleges since they see I have real passion for something). And although I have the utmost respect for arts, I want to know whether colleges would take IB Dance HL seriously as one of the 3 required HL courses. So I’ve been considering taking 4 HL courses, namely:
-IB English Lang/Lit HL
-IB Chinese HL
-IB Math HL

I’m really conflicted because I hear that 4 HLs aren’t worth it, but most cases refer to 4 more academically rigorous courses. Also, I’m hesitant to take IB Math HL. I enjoy math (especially the thrill of solving a stubborn problem) and get pretty decent scores (A- in honors pre-calculus), but I don’t plan on pursuing a major or career in physical sciences or mathematics. Should I still take IB math HL? I heard it’s extremely difficult and time consuming, and don’t know if I should spend that much time on a subject I wouldn’t major in despite liking it.

Furthermore, I’ve been considering, if I do take 4 HLs, to take IB Economics HL (instead of IB Math HL). Economics sound interesting, and I heard its one of the easier classes to get a 7 in. However, I’ve never had prior classes about economics, so I don’t know whether I would truly enjoy the subject or not.

Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you for trying to help me (I know I must sound very conflicted about what to do).

Hi! I am in IB too and I have 4 HLs with one of them being (unfortunately) Math HL. I got A* (which is basically A+) in Cambridge International Math (IGCSE board) both freshman and sophomore year, and right now, I’m struggling to maintain a 5 in math HL. I don’t even need it for college but I was told that a more impressive courseload looks better to colleges regardless. We now have 1.5 months to finish our options book which SL does not have to do and we won’t be able to finish the syllabus. The core syllabus is highly difficult, unless you really like math and are willing to devote a lot of time to it. I’m not saying you can’t pass, it’s just that I liked math and now I hate it. It has gotten easier over the last 2 years, but not to the level I’m comfortable with. However, regardless of the difficulty, I think you should go for it, because maintaining a 5 in it is still better than getting a 7 in SL (or so I’ve been told). The effort seemed to pay off for me as I got in ED to a highly ranked college. Go for it and good luck!

Edit: I just read the rest of your post and I’m in Econ HL too. Again, it’s a difficult course though the HL portion of the syllabus is highly interesting, especially Theory of Firm, so you may like it :slight_smile: Go for this over math though.