IB Course Selection, need advice. HL Physics SL Bio or HL Bio SL Physics?

Hi, I am currently a Pre-IB sophmore in Florida and would appreciate some advice on course selection as my school plans ahead and is requiring my class to choose our HLs and SLs in 1-2 weeks.

My school does not allow anyone to double HL science (i.e HL Physics HL Chem), and SL Spanish along with HL English are required and cannot be avoided. Finally, my school only allows 3 HLs, no more (including HL English). Next year I plan on taking a 2nd science for my SL with the following schedule.

HL Math
HL English
HL Bio or Physics
SL History
SL Spanish
SL Bio or Physics
Elective (only one): AP Micro/Macro

My issue here is that I plan on going into the medical field, which would mean to take HL Bio. However, I also have a just as strong interest in Physics and its applications as a physical science, so I am conflicted in choosing which of the two sciences to focus on as a higher level, and how it will influence my college credits/chances going into Medical, or if Physics is even required for the medical field (surgeons, anesthetics, etc).

I am leaning more towards HL Biology since I plan on medical, but in my school you take AP EXAMS corresponding to your IB course so we may receive credit for our HLs. For both HL Biology and SL Biology at my school, you take the AP Biology exam with your IB exams. For HL Math I am supposed to take the AP Calc AB and BC exams as well. SL Spanish would correlate to AP Spanish, HL English to AP Lit and Comp etc. SL Physics takes the Physics 1/2 Exams, but none of the Physic Cs exams, while HL Physics takes all AP Physics exams.

HL Math (AP Calc AB and BC)
HL English (AP English Courses)
SL History (just IB History exam but we complete APUSH and APEURO in our Sophmore/junior years)
SL Spanish (AP Spanish)
HL/SL Bio (AP Bio)
HL Physics (All AP Physics Courses)
SL Physics (Only AP Physics 1 and 2)

So is there a disadvantage for me if I were to choose HL Physics to learn the content in AP Physics C courses since SL Physics does not focus on calculus (since they take AP Physics 1/2), and take SL Bio since I am still taking the AP Bio exam?

Any advice would be appreciated as I may be missing something huge.

Have you considered self-studying for the physics C exams? That way you could take HL Bio and still demonstrate your interest in physics.

You will have to take 1st year Biology in college either way because Med Schools do not accept AP/IB courses. So, you should be fine with SL Biology. Your grade in college biology is what matters for med school.

On the other hand you could take HL Biology so when you get to college and take Bio again, you will be well prepared.