IB Course Selection? PLEASE HELP!!!!

Hello, I am a Sophomore and I attend a IB school. I want to do the full IB Diploma Programme. I want to take 4 HL classes. But I don’t know if I should take 4 HL or 3 HL? Here are the IB Classes I want to take:

                                       -IB Language and Literature HL
                                       -IB French Ab intio SL
                                       -IB History of Americas HL
                                       -IB Biology HL
                                       -IB Math Studies SL
                                       -IB Theatre Arts HL
                                       -IB Theory of Knowledge(TOK)

Those are my 6 classes, but since I am doing IBDP, I have to do the IB TOK as well. I need help, deciding if this schedule is right for me? What IB Classes should I take? Also if any IB Graduates can give me any tips and advice, that would be great! Any answers are gladly appreciated. Thank You! :smiley:

Take 3 HLs if you’re starting IB in junior year (unless your school is super accommodating with scheduling). It’ll be less stressful for you. Have you thought of what you want to do in college? It seems you’re more into the arts, so I would switch your HL Bio into an SL unless you’re super passionate about it.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

I am in it right now (senior year) and I have 4 HLs (I’ve had them since I began). I think that your HLs seem great, though I’m just saying Bio has A LOT of courseload in HL (it’s not hard though). Have you considered taking Psychology. It’s an excellent class. Good luck! Also, you do know that with TOK, you have to do extended essay as well for the plus 3 points?

Thanks @crimes and @12345n, for the great responses! Yes @crimes, I am interested in the arts, however I want to be a Neurosurgeon when I grow up, thus why I chose HL for biology, however if there is a better science for that requirement, I would like to know. Thank You! @12345n , I heard that Bio has a lot of courseload and memorization. Today I went to the IB Bio teacher and introduced myself, she said I am welcome to take that class. Also is IB Psychology offered in HL @12345n?

Hey, I have another question for you two, @crimes and @12345n. Based on y’all experiences in the IB Diploma Programme, is there any advice or key things I need to know when I enter the IB Diploma Programme? I am a sophomore currently, and really interested in the IB Diploma Programme, however I heard some things and I am sure nervous and scared #-o , hopefully you guys can clear the misconceptions and lies. Thank You! for the help. :smiley:

IB Psych is indeed offered in HL, but every school’s course availability is different and you have to make sure it’s offered your year. I heard it’s easier to do well in than history, so you should consider it.

If you want to become a neurosurgeon, you’ll probably need at least two sciences (bio and chem) instead of theatre. Bio is indeed a lot of memorisation but is not particularly difficult. Chem, on the other hand, is info heavy as well as difficult for HL but a lot easier for SL. It’s really up to you what to take, but I’d advise against HL Theatre Arts because you want to be better prepared the first year of college (or else what’s the point of doing DP?).

DP involves the 4000 word EE usually begun the summer of junior year, as well as 150 CAS hours and a TOK (as you said, essentially philosophy) course. It’s a lot of work (especially writing) and I guess ~psychologically~ it really prepares you for college because it trains you to manage your time and handle stress. However, depending on the kind of student you are, you might actually want to spend your high school years having fun instead of working your butt (consider the IA due dates + college app time senior year). In IB, all of the subjects you study require you to consider material in depth and you’ll be forced to take courses in areas you’re weak in, which will probably bring down your GPA.

It’s a program that I love (you’ll love it if you really like to be challenged) but I wouldn’t actually recommend it to many people. If you’re doing it for the college credit, I would suggest AP instead, or even the certificate. If you love to learn and think and be pushed to the limit, then IB is something to definitely consider.

@htyp99 Yup it is :slight_smile: I am taking it myself. It is a lot of fun and you get to conduct your own experiment for the IA as well. TOK is pretty easy, it all depends on your ability to make yourself sound intellectual (seriously) though EE is pretty hard. I started last April and just finished (economics). You have to think of your own question and conduct your own research entirely. Each subject is out of 7 points, making it a total of 42 with plus 3 for EE and TOK depending on how well you do. Honestly, I think IB is good because it will help you prepare for college, but as a high school level student, it’s a nightmare. While I managed to juggle grades, social life and sleep, it was uber hard (still is). You will have to study A LOT to maintain good grades in IB, though colleges look upon it favorably so I guess it’s worth it. Just saying though, no misconceptions, I personally took AP as well and IB is a gazillion times harder. I would recommend against taking IB Certificate, because the difficulty level goes down and is looked upon unfavorably (some schools don’t even accept it). Idiots in my school have made it this far, I’m sure you are much better and can do it. Just be prepared for a very intense 2 years.

Thank You so much guys, @crimes and @12345n! Yes, I am aware of the rigor and huge amount of work in, however I think I am up for a challenge! Also I have good grades, so it wouldn’t be as much of a problem. I want to be academically challenged and be prepared for college, so I think the IB Diploma Programme is right for me! So I have decided to do the IB Diploma Programme. Thank You so much guys for the insightful advice and tips, greatly appreciated! Much Thanks! :smiley:

@htyp99 yup :slight_smile: