IB Diploma Scholarship Questiom

Hi everyone,
I’m from VA and am seriously considering UA. My stats are 1340 (New SAT), 29 ACT. With the current scholarships, I would be getting the 2/3 scholarship. I am an IB Diploma Candidate and I don’t know if Alabama gave scholarships for something like that. My GPA is a 4.3 (out of 4.5). Getting a full ride would keep me from going to UVA or some other more elite school. Thanks for all your help! Oh, I plan on going into Chem Engineering. @mom2collegekids seems like she would be a great help!

Alabama doesn’t offer a full ride. The best you’re going to do is full tuition - and for that you’d need to retest and bring your test score up. (Apply when the app becomes available this summer - you’ll still have until December to retest.)

As for your IB studies, I assume they’ve prepared you well for college, for which you can be grateful, but they won’t get you any money - at least not from Alabama.

Thank you, and I meant full tuition from the beginning :slight_smile:

Spend some time prepping over the summer, and then take the test again (your choice - SAT or ACT) in the fall, and see if you can’t get yourself from 2/3 tuition to 100%! Good luck!!!

Hey guys… another question… So I’ve been reading up on the CBH program and see that it’s mainly for 32+ ACT. Is that a certain requirement? I’ve near the top of my class and I do plenty within the community. Also, it’s not that I’m a very great test taker, because I am. It’s just that the SAT follows Common Core, which Virginia does not follow. Also as an IB student, the curriculum doesn’t add up. So I was just curious if it is possible to get in with my current stats. Thanks all!

The CBH program is very competitive, and filled with the tippy-top students. I guess there is a possibility if you had something that someone else didn’t have, but I wouldn’t count on it.

Candidates must have 28 ACT or 1250 SAT and 3.5 High School GPA to be eligible to apply for the Computer-Based Honors program. So the requirements are the same as for entry into the Honors College itself. But admission to CBH is hugely competitive, so even though you’d be eligible to apply, there’s no guarantee you’d be admitted. The CBH website says that, on average, the 2014 entering class had above a 33 ACT or 1450 SAT and 4.30 GPA.

Okay, thanks for the clarification. I emailed Dr. Sharpe and she, along with other things, had this to say, " Once you have been admitted to the Honors College, I can send you the essay questions for the CBH Program. Your SAT/ACT scores and HS GPA are in good shape for an application as we really focus on the applicant’s interests and aptitude in conducting research." She seems really enthusiastic about me considering Alabama, which I really appreciate. I find it amazing that she actually replies, which is something I would find at somewhere like UVA.

^^ FYI, @cartidge, Dr. Sharpe is a HE! :smiley:

Oops my mistake :smiley: