<p>Is anyone in CC taking IB Further Mathematics SL? (highschool class of 2013) Or, do you know or have you seen anyone who takes it? I am taking Further Maths SL within my Diploma, and I was just wondering who and how many people take this course.</p>
<p>Plus, did anyone take IB courses in your freshnman & sophomore years?
I took and finished Physics and Maths HL in my freshman and sophomore years with 7 and 6, (that's why I am doing Further maths now, in junior and senior years), and I was curious if this is a super rare thing. I thought it may be quite an impressive thing for university people to see, but I am not sure. Do you think it is something very impressive?</p>
<p>I haven't seen anyone in history (other than me) who either took IB in his/her first two years of highschool or took IB Further maths, at least in this city.</p>
<p>Have you guys seen any? If so and they graduated, can you tell me any idea what universities they went to? How impressive or rare thing, do you think, my situation is?</p>
<p>I think you might be the only one in America. At our IB school, you can only take HL classes as a senior. Our IB coordinator will not let us. Like, this one girl took Math SL her sophomore year and our coordinator wouldn’t let her take HL junior year. She had to take Calc III at our local university, then take Math HL her senior year. I think you may be the only one in America to do what you did, but not in the world. They made the class for a reason, so I’m pretty sure someone has done what you have done. And universities will find this impressive, I’m pretty sure.</p>
<p>First, thanks for your opinion, adusmadesse.
My school did not allow me to take IB that early either, and I was the first one to start and complete IB in freshman~sophomore year. I thought that students similar to me (taking IB early and/or doing further maths), if any in the States, will be at super competitive schools like Exeter. If anyone reading this discussion goes to Exeter or such prestigious high school, please inform me about if any of your friends are similar to me.</p>
<p>However, I found this stats in google that approximately 100~120 students around the world take IB Further Maths each year, and about 40 of them fail. So that leaves about 50~100 students at maximum. I guess about 80% of them will be at UK, and mostly going to ox-bridge or other top schools at Europe. If i’m right, that will only leave 10~20 students who are applying to US universities. Do you think I am right? or is there something that I know wrongly about?</p>
<p>I go to one such school [Andover]. You should keep in mind that most of the top high schools in the US do not offer IB courses (including Exeter and Andover).</p>
<p>As for Further Math, I doubt you’re the only one in America taking it. Considering that tens of thousands of students in America take actual college-level courses in high school (MVC, Linear Algebra, etc.) Further Math isn’t too advanced. It’s essentially a brief survey of several topics in collegiate mathematics, and does not go into very much depth. For instance, you will have to take a basic Abstract Algebra course even if you do Further Math.</p>
<p>If IB courses were as commonplace as, say, AP courses, you would see tens or hundreds of thousands of people taking Further Math. It looks good on an application (better than the normal math HL) but it’s nothing special really if you’re applying to a top college. (If you’re not, then it would be a real chance booster). I would recommend doing math competitions or something aside from your normal school math (if you’re really interested in math).</p>
<p>thanks for the opinion,
I thought schools like Exeter and Andover will offer IB courses, seems like I was wrong. Thanks for telling me.
Just for clarification, I do not study in the States.
I am an Asian student, living in a country that is not my home country.
Thus, I could not participated in the Olympiads or any national scale competition either here or in my home country (plus, as a foreigner, I could not take courses at local colleges here either
which sucks), and therefore IB math HL and further maths were pretty much the best thing I could do.</p>
<p>It is true, you are not the only one doing it. I have several friends that are taking and will be taking IB further maths. There are many people in the states taking it, In my school alone, there are 3 people currently taking it, 8 people next year and then 9 the year after that. They say it is not very difficult, but they are usually the smartest people in the school. Everyone that has done it has gotten accepted to ivies, but that may simply because the are smart in general and have other powerful things on their applications. Basically if you are smart enough to be taking IB Further Maths, you shouldn’t have a problem.</p>
Hey Midwestmichigan,
I am also taking the IB Higher Levels during my Freshman and Sophomore years here in Asia. But, I wanna see if there are any schools to start the Further Maths during my Junior and Senior years. What school do u go to and do u know of any others?
This thread is two years old @18chaseL!