IB HL ART Year 2 and my transcript

<p>Hi all. :D
This year is signed up for 2 Tris of IB HL Yr 1, seeing as I'm a senior. My art teacher said that all seniors and non-testers taking less than 3 tris are automatically in year two. So, I'm still taking two tris of IB art. One is listed as SL year 2 A and another as HL year one B, but I was wondering what I should ask to put on my transcript to avoid confusion. </p>

<p>I think you first need to ask yourself how to word it on this post in order to avoid confusion, because I don’t have a clue what you’re trying to put on your transcript.</p>

<p>I’m just trying to put two credits of IB HL art, but year two is usually three but the teacher says I’m taking that. Sorry I’m so confusing. </p>

<p>Umm… really, I think this is a question for your school. Go to your IB Coordinator, they’ll have an answer, or will point you towards the answer. Transcripts are a school-by-school thing, we can’t really help you.</p>

<p>Alright! Sorry this was a dumb question. </p>