IB HL Biology and Chemistry vs IB HL Biology and SL Physics

<p>Hello all, so I'm currently a junior and planning to major in Biochemistry - Premed track.</p>

<p>I am currently in HL Biology and AP Chem....and AP Chem is technically the first year of HL Chem. I'm in IN LOVE with chemistry, but it's tolerable and I enjoy doing parts of it (sometimes it gets to me but I can manage). Biology is something I really like, and I've gotten hints of biochem and I really like the subject.</p>

<p>But I know that for Premed it looks better on transcripts to show that you've taken some type of physics in your high school years. I've taken Physics 1 Honors through FLVS but it isn't really as effective as taking in class. I originally wanted to do AP Physics C...but that's too big a jump and the teacher here at my school is RIDICULOUSLY hard so hard + hard = WAY too hard considering all the others classes that will become harder (senior year IB) and extra things I need to do for IB and college applying.</p>

<p>So my main questions is, should I just do IB HL Bio and Chem and maybe take like AP Physics 1? Or is it okay if I can just do IB HL Biology and stop with AP Chem, and take SL Physics instead?</p>

<p>I know AP Chem gives more credits, and I don't know if I really want to do the third year of chem because it's quite hard.....bio gets harder too.</p>

<p>What are you thoughts?</p>

<p>Bump anyone?</p>

<p>Please! I really need some advice :/</p>

<p>I know I’m overly crazed about this…but I’ve gotten SO much ideas that I’m lost now.</p>

If you’re still looking for advice… I’d say take HL Bio and Chem and then AP Physics 1 if you’re up for it.

HL Chem is probably a bit more challenging than AP because it goes more in depth. In addition, one of the advanced options for HL Chem happens to be biochemistry. If you think HL Chem is hard, then consider that what you’ll be doing in college and med school can only get more difficult, but also consider your schedule and how stressed you’ll think you’ll be next year. (I’m taking it right now, and it’s definitely not easy!)

However, I don’t particularly see the point of taking SL Physics, because it’s not counted as an “advanced” course and you probably won’t be getting any college credit for it. If you’re concerned about the level of difficulty and your grades, then go for the alternative- senior year is hardly a good time to be burn out.

@crimes‌ Seems like a good idea! I think I’ll go with HL Bio, Chem and probably AP2.