IB Math AA vs AI?

For the class of 2021 onwards, IB has split Mathematics into AA and AI, both available in HL and SL. Does anyone have any knowledge about how these differ? My school hasn’t explained anything about this change yet and I’m choosing my IB subjects next week!

The feedback we’ve heard is that the applications track is most similar to the current math studies and the analysis track is most similar to the current SL/HL and more appropriate for those who wish to pursue a engineering or other math intensive majors.

So it seems like:

Current → New

math SL → math AA SL
math HL → math AA HL

math studies SL → math AI SL
N/A → math AI HL


That’s my understanding @ucbalumnus with the additional opinion of this particular person that the new classes are less rigorous versions of the old - particularly when comparing the AA versus to the current current SL/HL versions. Whether that’s true or some grumbling about change is still to be determined. Probably doesn’t help that they also dropped Further Math. The bias at our school that IB and specifically the diploma which would require these classes in Jr and Sr year being difficult for advanced math students was very much reinforced with the change.

The AI HL is primarily statistics from what I understand.

Seems like most US high school students in IB programs should choose the math AA courses and avoid the math AI courses (just like how they should avoid the current math studies), unless they know for certain that their future college and major will not require math in college. Of course, the rigidity of the IB curriculum can make it a poor fit anyway for the most-advanced-in-math students.

The following description comes up in a web search:

What would you recommend for someone currently taking pre-calc? AA or AI of AP Calc BC

Seems like IB math AA HL or AP calculus BC would be the obvious next step after precalculus.

Most US high school students in IB programs should avoid IB math studies or IB math AI.

You are supposed to choose which maths you want to do based on what you want to study at university in the future. Math AA would be a better fit if you want to study computer science, engineering, and so on. Math AI would be a better fit if you want to study medicine, business, economics, and so on. Math AI contains more statistics. If you do not know what your direction is, I recommend taking math AA because it has more of math AI, than math AI has of math AA. Also, in the first 60 hours, both types of math cover the same material. This means that you should have the possibility to change your mind. Good luck.

If math AI is like math studies, it is not intended to prepare students for subsequent math courses in university, which will be needed by pre-med, business, and economics students, at least in US universities.

Math AI HL is not like math studies. UK schools suh as Imperial and LSE have indicated they’ll make no difference between AI and AA HL, since both contain a big percentage of calculus, but there’s a difference wrt Analytical geometry and linear algebra (AA) v. Statistics (AA). Both HLs are good for math-heavy programs, although AA is better for engineering, CS, math, and physics, whereas AI is better for pre-meds, economics, statistics, data science, etc.
AA SL is the most balanced and would be good for students who want to start in calculus 2 or even calc 1or business calculus in college.
Biology, chemistry, economics majors could thus take either AA SL or AI HL.
AI SL is a bit like Math Studies with beefed up calc basics. It would allow students to start in calculus 1 if needed but is mostly meant for students who will only take statistics or ‘math for citizenship’ classes in college.

So if I want to pursue biochemistry in college, would Math AA SL be a good choice or not?

It’d be sufficient if you take HL chemistry and HL Biology. You’d likely have to start in calc 1 but you’d have a very strong foundation to succeed in it.

What class would be appropriate for a student currently in AP Calculus AB?

Either HL class.

@ucbalumnus what do you mean IB is too rigid for the most advanced students–where does it top out?
Are there (realistic) exceptions?

It looks from IB discussions here that most US IB diploma programs top out math at math HL (single variable calculus) or SL (introduction to single variable calculus), since further math HL is not typically offered. It also looks like taking math early is discouraged or not allowed in US IB diploma programs, so that a student whose non-IB math sequence would result in completing single variable calculus in 11th grade or earlier (and therefore could take more advanced math in 12th grade if available) would be “stalled” in math if s/he did the IB diploma.

I think one’s for the engineering and practical aspect, the others for math-for-its-sake and in the pure beauty aspect.

Whichever suits ur needs or fancies u ig.

If its on an SL level, well still keep it in mind… as it certainly helps u score, and be more interested.

what type of math would you suggest for someone who would want to pursue Economics in the future?

Which HL Math course is harder? AA or AI?
Some say it AI is a ‘more advanced studies’ and others say ‘closer to Further Math HL’, could someone clear this up for me, please?