IB Math HL or IB English HL

<p>Alright, so I'm a rising junior currently and I would really like to major in musical theater in college. I'm in the IB program and I pretty much have straight A's for all classes for the year (like one B+ in AP CoPo and Chorus for one quarter that will average to an A for the year). So I need to take 3 HL's and 3 SL's. My guidance counselor put me in 4 HL classes! THAT'S ACADEMIC SUICIDE! So I need to change my schedule. I MUST take IB History HL, IB French 5 SL and IB Economics SL. I'm also planning to take IB Chem HL which has really small classes because apparently it's quite hard. Anyway should I take IB Math HL or IB English HL? I tend to not understand anything during my current algebra 2/trig classes, well for these past weeks because we're doing trig now, but then I usually eventually understand after studying it a lot at home, I currently have a 91 in the class. But I have a 96 in English even though I don't really like the class. I do my essays the night before and get around 95s (I did my Personal Project report at midnight and got a 100). Which should I take? Also the IB Math SL teacher is really nice and I had her freshman year >w< but the IB Math HL teacher has super organized notes online. :O PLEASE HELP! D; </p>

<p>If you are going to take Math HL without some serious self study or without taking SL Math, a bit of precalc, (or even AB Calc) you might be a bit overloaded with the information. </p>

<p>Just saying.</p>

<p>Go with English</p>

<p>You need to take at least Math SL Yr. 1 before you even think about Math HL, or at least that’s the requirement at my school, and I think you should do English HL.
You shouldn’t take my suggestions to heart because I’m going into IB next year, too.</p>

<p>Definitely go with HL English, HL maths is notoriously hard and if you can’t even fully understand algebra/trig you’ll struggle A LOT with Higher Level maths. Plus there isn’t much of a difference between SL english and HL english but there is a significant difference between HL/SL maths. It’s also extremely unnecessary for you to take higher level maths considering you intend on majoring in musical theatre. </p>

<p>Basically, take Higher Level English and you’ll be able to focus more on your hard classes like Higher Level chemistry = higher overall score (which IMHO is a very important thing)</p>

<p>Since you don’t plan to go into a STEM field, take the English HL.</p>

<p>Go with English. Aside from the fact that you seem to be doing better in your current English class than in your current Math class, challenging yourself in English will be more useful for your interest in theater.</p>

<p>English :)</p>