ib: math studies vs. math sl

<p>I aim to go to an ivy league school, and right now, I am attending an IB school. I was wondering if me going into math studies SL would affect my chances since ivies look for a rigorous schedule. I am a diploma student, but I'm kind of nervous doing math studies.
Please help!!!</p>

<p>I go to an IB school too, and for us Math SL tends to be seen as more rigorous than Math Studies SL (not sure if this is true elsewhere), so I would go for Math SL - unless, you’re really concentrating on one of the “arts” (literature, history, etc.). If you’re really strong in other areas and plan to major in those areas, and math is a bit of a weak point, then I would go with Math Studies so you won’t have unecessary stress.</p>

<p>If you have a choice and can handle Math SL, take it rather than Math Studies SL. Math Studies is significantly easier and less challenging. However, as mtnsky said, if you are defnitely focusing on humanities, Math Studies might be ok. In US, colleges do not require any particular subject combinations in IB, so it probably wouldn’t be held against you. But generally, Math Studies is for people who never want or intend to study math again in their lives.</p>

<p>Not to sound rude or condescending, but at my IB school, math studies is for the stupid kids who are aiming for the flagship state school as a reach. Of course, I don’t know what your school offers, but HL Math would be most appreciated by ivies (if your school doesn’t offer AP Calc, as well). Maths SL, which I’m in, is rather a joke. It’s easier than precalc and really only brushes on what AP Calc AB students are doing.</p>

<p>At S2’s school, one must take at least AP Calc AB to take the Math Studies exam, and BC Calc for SL Math. It does help them to be well-prepared!</p>

<p>Ha wow countingdown!</p>

<p>For me it’s the opposite effect. I took pre-cal honors before taking Maths Studies this year and I failed my first test. Maths Studies is so “easy” that if you haven’t looked at basic stuff in a few years and focused instead on advanced topics like Calculus you might not do as well as you think you would. I have a friend at another school that got a B+ in AB Calc but also failed her first studies test. The test was about…venn diagrams and series. Silly little mistakes. </p>

<p>So yea, watch out ;)</p>

<p>To the original poster, I would forsake taking Maths SL in favor of concentrating on doing well in other very hard classes. </p>

<p>I was originally in SL but spent about 3 hours of night on homework and knew that my grades in my HLs would drop since I had no time for anything else. I switched to studies and added another HL class (I now have 4). If you do that, I think colleges will disregard the fact that you’re taking studies and notice that you took that extra challenge. It also helps if you have a struggling background in math. If you coasted through everything prior to IB with A+'s in all your math classes and all of a sudden decide to chillax and kick your feet up with studies, they won’t like that.</p>

<p>If I were you, I’d drop to studies and add another HL that suits you. That’ll balance things out.</p>

<p>Thank you so much for the replies!
I am actually currently taking 4 higher level classes,
and I am definitely going into humanities for college…
It is just as bluebubbles said, math is consuming my studies!
The topics we cover are not too difficult but my teacher is infamous for making everyone miserable…
Your replies really helped!</p>