IB math to pair with calc BC

I plan on taking math SL and AP calc BC for senior year. Should I replace SL with studies, or do y’all think SL and BC is doable? For context, I have an A in calc AB, and my teacher said she’ll be suprised if I don’t get a 4 or 5 on the AP exam.

 Are you are full diploma? 

Yes. That’s why I need an IB math.

Frankly, a kid doing BC has no business doing studies, so do SL and BC. My kids school does this a lot for mathy kids who are not nuts enough to do HL math, but BC calc is taught as and with HL as seniors after jr yr SL. I am not sure if you mean to do a BC class AND an SL math class or just test BC with SL? SL covers 65% AB in my kids school, not enough for my kids to sit the AB on a whim as jrs. FOr my less mathy kid I would encourage her to do SL math then AB calc as a senior, For the more mathy one her SL teacher says do BC after SL. I don’t know any kids that would take studies though.

Thanks for the input. I meant to take the classes concurrently.