IB math

To ask a clearer question, what IB math should I take as a junior? I’m currently in precalc HN, so I was just wondering the best option for next year. Just to add I want to study medicine!

You should check the suggested course sequence for your new school. Likely you’d start the two year Math HL sequence if they offer it.

Ok, thanks!

My IB kid took Calc BC junior year.

@nw2this is that then followed by Ib further math in 12th, or does your school teach Calc BC as year one of IB Math HL?

She will take HL senior year. HL is a 1 year course at our school. Juniors that will take HL senior year usually take Calc AB, Calc BC, or AP Stats if they had Calc sophmore year.

@nw2this they actually don’t offer separate Calc AB/BC classes, just the math HL or SL in this school

If precalc went well for you, then you should take the HL sequence. It is the most rigorous and would typically follow precalc. However, if you struggled with precalc and/or the rest of your schedule is very challenging for you, you could consider SL. SL doesn’t go quite as far or as deep, and most colleges do not give credit for an SL exam if that is a concern. Typically, the kids who would take BC and beyond at an AP school would take HL at an IB school. Colleges often give credit for high scores on the HL exam.

Ask around re: college credit, as your school may let SL students take the AP AB exam and HL the BC exam; AP tests in calc tend to be easier for students to get scores required for college credit.

@politeperson great! Thanks :slight_smile: