IB or Abitur in Germany for Cambridge?


I’m currently exchange student from Germany in the United States. And at the moment I kind of struggle with the decision if I should make my german graduation called the Abitur or the IB Diploma at an english school in Berlin. The question is if the IB Diploma is of advantage for the admission at the University of Cambridge or if it doesn’t matter. In fact the IB Diploma at least does not require to get a further proof of language abilities on the Cambridge application. Does by chance anyone of you have a recommendation? Is the IB Diploma of advantage when applying for Cambridge?


The IB diploma is so similar to the Abitur that I highly doubt it makes a difference. Cambridge has admission exams and interviews for a reason, so that they don’t need to dissect an applicant’s high school record.

I’d like to add one qualification: the IB diploma program may be more restrictive for taking multiple related subjects. If you have a specific major in mind, do check if you can meet all admission requirements with the IB curriculum at the high school in Berlin. (e.g. the standard IB curriculum only includes one science, but your preferred major at Cambridge major require 2-3 science subjects for admission).

What is your second choice university after Cambridge? I don’t know how German universities deal with domestic applicants who don’t have an Abiturnote for NC purposes.

All universities I want to apply for are in England (Imperial College, Kings College, University College, LSE and Cambridge). I want to study Natural Science at the University of Cambridge.