IB physics and IB biology

I’m currently in 10th grade. Forecasting is coming up and I need to decide if I want to take IB bio HL 1 and IB physics SL. I made the mistake of taking honors chemistry last year and taking IB chemistry the this year. I heard that colleges want you to take all three sciences and in order to do that I need to take IB bio HL 1 and IB physics SL at the same time. I really want to take IB physics SL and HL because I want to major in some type of engineering. Can someone tell me how hard it is going to be? By the way I’m pretty sure IB bio SL is the same thing as IB bio HL 1, but I’m not sure.

By the way I’m not one of those really talented students by any means. I’m not even that smart, I just work really hard. My friends who are taking the classes this year said they can give me their notes and I can borrow the textbook during the summer.

I’d hold off on thinking you have to take all three for colleges, do some specific research. For engineering chem and physics are good though so I would definitely figure out if you have to take biology because at my school it’s required with chem and physics. I am a student in HL bio and physics currently I can definitely tell you physics won’t be fun, but doesn’t become extremely difficult until the HL topics so you’ll probably be fine. Also at my school IB Bio HL is a joke if you’re used to other IB classes so I think with you starting in summer and doing lots of work you’ll be fine. If you start in the summer I’d suggest looking up the course syllabus for atlas biology and taking notes on the understandings from the Oxford textbook, you can find it online in a lot of places, same with physics. PDFs of the books are really easy to find.