IB Physics SL, AP Physics C, AP Calculus BC please answer

<p>Hello, oh I'm new to College Confidential so sorry if I don't know how things work.</p>

<p>So basically I'm a junior currently and I'm already thinking about senior year.
I'm currently in IB Calc/Stat, and will be finishing SL math this year. I really really really want to do AP Calculus BC, what are my chances of passing? We have a great teacher, but I'm decent at math so what's your opinion? I've considered taking AP Calculus AB through FLVS over the summer (I'd have to finish the whole thing in 2 months) or Calculus 1 through dual enrollment in the summer. Is it possible to finish AB in the summer and do BC?</p>

<p>Also, I'm really interested in taking AP Physics C. I've done Physics 1 Honors through FLVS, trying to learn as much as I can. Will I pass AP Physics? I was thinking of taking IB Physics SL alongside AP Physics C, to help me learn the material. What's your opinion? I'm pretty satisfied with Physics, as it is very mathematical.</p>

<p>I might sound crazy and stupid and like an overachiever, but I really want to give it a shot. :slight_smile: so let me know!</p>

<p>You definitely aren’t crazy, you sound like a motivated and hardworking person! </p>

<p>Alright so the thing with Calc BC is that it includes all of Calc AB plus a little bit of extra material (sequences and series, etc.). Most people take only the BC course or only the AB course. There’s nothing wrong with taking both, though (that’s what I did), and I would recommend taking both because you will get a very good foundation in calculus. However, I’m not sure if they will even let you take both the AB and BC exams in the same year, so you might want to check on that, and if not, I would take Calc I over the summer and BC during the year. You could even take BC on FLVS (it includes all AB material as well as the BC material), but from what I’ve heard, it isn’t the greatest at teaching you what you need to know.</p>

<p>I think you could definitely finish any AP class on FLVS over the summer, I’ve done it many times and you sound like the kind of person who could commit to doing that. Just pace yourself and don’t procrastinate!</p>

<p>Alright, so Physics Honors on FLVS isn’t exactly the best class ever for preparing you for AP Physics B (although it’s called AP Physics 1 and 2 now?). I took physics honors last summer on flvs and I struggled a lot in the beginning with Physics B (What does mg mean?!?!?! I kid you not.) I was able to catch up eventually though because I had an excellent teacher and a lot of other resources, so I managed As in the class and a 5 on the exam.</p>

<p>I also decided to self-study Physics C Mechanics on my own. The material is actually easier than the Physics 1/2 material in my opinion; it’s only on mechanics, which is just one AP Physics 1/2 topic. I managed to self study it starting about a week before the exam (do not recommend at all!), but only because I had two years of calculus (AB and BC) under my belt and I had a good foundation in Physics B. I think you could self study at least Mechanics; E&M is harder, and I’m actually doing that this year, but I’m not going to say that you wouldn’t be able to do it!</p>

<p>This post is getting a bit long haha so feel free to PM me with any questions about the classes, how to study for the exams, etc. I’m in IB too so I understand how SL Physics relates to AP and stuff.</p>

<p>Hope this helped! :)</p>

<p>Thank you! I will definitely PM you for more information :)</p>