IB program- give me advice!

I’m interested in doing IB because it sounds like its right up my alley.
I know it will require extra hard work but I’m willing to do it.

I was talking to my college counselor about it & she said I’ll get “buried” if I take IB.
She said I can take the classes but I might want to think about actually doing the program.

What does this mean? What is the difference between the program and just doing the classes?
Why is it SOOOO difficult? What are some tips you can offer me?

TBH the main reason I want to do this aside from actually being comitted is that I want this to make up for my crappy freshman year GPA. I go to a competitive school & I need something to boost me up. I’ll do whatever it takes to succeed in this program- from group studying to overstudying- IM DOWN.

Please offer me some good insight!!!

Your counselor probably discouraged you because of your GPA. The program includes an extended essay, lots of community service hours, extra classes like Theory of Knowledge and others, a language requirement, extra tests. . . The classes alone will be more rigorous and involve more homework than non AP/IB courses, so you will get an extra challenge from just doing the classes. The full program combined with sports and extracurricular activities can be stressful. You generally wouldn’t want to steer someone who has struggled in the past into it.