IB Psychology?Easy or Hard?

<p>I'm contemplating taking higher level psych over economics as the subject seems more interesting and it overlaps quite a bit with Higher Level biology. But economics is much easier to get 7's in statistically so i don't know. </p>

<p>Do you guys think the class is hard to score a 6/7 in? </p>

<p>Is getting a 6/7 the most important thing? Which interests you the most? You’ll probably do best in the one that you would care about more.</p>

<p>@nanotechnology Well getting a 6/7 is quite important to me because it’ll help me getting into better universities. since it will boost my overall score. I’m definitely more interested in Psychology but considering IB is hard as it is, i don’t want to overload myself considering i have a pretty hard schedule:</p>

<p>HL Chemistry
HL Biology
HL Economics/Psychology
SL English Lit
SL Spanish Ab initio
SL Maths </p>

<p>I guess i’ll do best in the subject i’m most interested in (psychology) but knowing myself i can get through a subject even if a don’t like it and excel in it (but i’m rather miserable during exam time haha). I’ve taken economics this year and last year so i know what the subject entails and it is a really boring subject IMO since i’m more into maths/science.I guess it’d be happier to do psychology, Do you think taking psychology with my schedule would be to difficult? </p>

<p>Are you applying to schools in the US or elsewhere? If in the US, your IB scores don’t play into college admissions.</p>

<p>@nanotechnology Yah i’ll be applying to mostly American universities, but i’ll probably apply to British/Canadian universities too. I’m aware that the IB score doesn’t matter but the grade i get in the class does matter which is obviously reflected by my IB score in the class. </p>

<p>If you’re more concerned about the grade in the class for admissions purposes, I’d talk to other students at your school who have gone through these options. Grades on the IB exams don’t always match your grades in the course, and the workload can vary a lot from school to school. (There was a painful year when most of the students at my school failed the IB chem exam despite being solid chem students because the curriculum had deviated too far from the IB exam.)</p>

<p>@nanotechnology I have no way of contacting people who do IB at the school since i currently don’t attend the school. But i wouldn’t be able to find out about psychology anyway as it’ll be the first year the school offers it as an actual class, it was only previously offered as an online course. </p>

<p>Since it’s a British School your class grades match your IB grades as your only given an IB score for each class in your report card. So your IB score is converted into a letter grade for admission purposes. </p>

<p>Hi. I’m an IB student and am currently giving my final ib exams. I have psychology and economics as my HL subjects along with English Lit.</p>

<p>From my experience I can tell you that do NOT take economics if you have absolutely no interest in it. IB economics at a higher level is a nightmare. well, at least it was for me. IB econ is a LOT of work. If you absolutely loathe it like I did, taking econ at a higher level will not make you fall in love with it. Trust me.</p>

<p>Psychology on the other hand is a subject I’ve always been fascinated by. IB psychology is wonderful. But once again, be prepared to work your ass off for this subject. I always did well in psychology because it’s something I’m actually passionate about. I even did my extended essay in psychology. But remember, psychology is just as bad as econ in terms of course load. And don’t for a second think that psychology is simpler than economics 'cause i can assure you that it’s NOT.</p>

<p>Oh and also econ is more scoring than psychology at the end of the day due to it’s numerical paper. but do be prepared to work very hard if you take either subject.</p>

<p>@12TheAV Thanks for the great response. Glad i could find someone with personal experience with both subject. I’m most definitely prepared to put the effort in for psychology i’m not afraid of hard work, don’t worry! I understand the notion of not taking a subject you don’t enjoy for IB, i very much agree with it as i am procrastinating this very moment so i don’t have to study for economics. </p>

<p>Would you say writing an economics essay is easier than writing a psychology one? Or are they both equally difficult? </p>

<p>i am not sure what you mean by essays. but whatever you may mean, the difficulty would, i guess, depend on your understanding of the subject. but you have to write a lot in either subject. also, like i said, don’t choose psychology over econ because it is easier. that is not true. the learning outcomes may seem quite direct but are actually quite confusing. many questions sound the same in psychology and this is why a lot of people don’t do very well. you also have to support every answer with a published study or an experiment. this is another area where we get confused as, often, one study can be used for supporting many answers. one might use a study they are not supposed to and lose marks.</p>

<p>but if you understand the subject and/or are not afraid of working hard, i don’t think you’ll struggle with psychology. i never did.</p>

<p>@12TheAV By essays i mean the essays you are required to write in class/exams. Don’t you do those in both subject since they’re essay based? </p>

<p>I’m not choosing psychology over economics because it’s easier it’s actually the opposite, i want to take economics despite not liking it because it’s easier than psych. </p>

<p>IB Psych is easy and hard. The test is a ton of information that has to be memorized, but the actual information is very logical. </p>

<p>@Kaeroze Good to know. Memorisation is my forte so that shouldn’t be an issue if i choose to do it, but since this is the first year my school is teaching the course i’m quite anxious about how it will be run! But all is good because my IB Coordinator guaranteed they’ll get an experience IB psych teacher. </p>

<p>I started HL psychology in december in my first year of IB because i switched from HL business and management and I missed a third of the course. However, I’m getting solid 7s. It’s one of those subjects that you need to prepare a lot beforehand (eg. making essay plans and practicing writing essays). critical thinking is really important in the field of psychology****</p>