IB Results - Class of 2014

<p>Hey guys! So with results coming out tomorrow for students to see, I thought I'd toss out a discussion board for those of us that have escaped, be it the full Diploma or 1 or more Certificate classes. How's everyone feeling (not that we can change the results at this point), any nervousness?
I'm hoping that I'll qualify into a certain French class at Vanderbilt with my French SL score, so I'm nervous about that!</p>

<p>I’m not an IB graduate but I’d like to wish you the best of luck with your results tomorrow! :)</p>

<p>Haha, thank you so much! I got a 7 on ES&S SL last year, since it was only a one year course, so I’m hoping that I’ll do just as well this year. I wonder if anyone else is having trouble logging in, as IB seems to be conspiring against me! [-O< </p>

<p>5s on Physics and Spanish SL</p>

<p>7s on English HL and ES&S SL
6s on French SL and Math SL
5 on History HL
4 on Biology HL
I’m really disappointed with Biology. Especially since I thought I’d done so well, and my teacher thought I’d do well, but he was a bad teacher…
Oh, and B on both my EE and TOK, giving 2 bonus points.</p>

<p>Not a 2014 graduate, but I sat for two exams this year:</p>

<p>Psychology SL: 6
Math SL: 5</p>

<p>I have to say, I’m very happy with my scores, especially since I learned all the course material for Psych in three days. No one in the school received a 6 in Psych last year, so I’m pretty proud of myself for that. </p>

<p>English HL 5. A bt disappointed, was hoping for a 6
History HL 5 Yayayayayay
French 4 I <em>barely</em> passed</p>

<p>5 English HL
5 History HL
6 Spanish SL
5 Math HL
6 Biology SL
4 Chemistry HL
B in TOK
D on my biology EE</p>

<p>My EE was the biggest disappointment although I honestly wasn’t expecting greatness. I rushed it at the last minute and took comfort in the fact that I’d pull through with the diploma as long as I didn’t completely screw it up with an E or worse.</p>

<p>Spanish was a pleasant surprise because I still feel like I don’t really know Spanish.</p>