IB to American System. How to convert grades?

<p>I'm going to be a junior this fall, and last year I moved to the states from a school using the IB system. My freshman grades are based on the IB (out of 7) and my sophomore year's grades consists of letter grades (A's, B's). How will this affect my GPA? I know I should've cleared this up earlier, but when I asked my school counselor she did not know (bummer). Since the IB has standard and higher level, while the american system has AP and academic, how would they convert my IB GPA to this one? and who should I ask? I am really concerned because I felt that my GPA was considerably lower last year because of an incorrect gpa conversion. Please help, thanks.</p>

<p>My daughter did freshman/sophmore year in a school that was 0-100 scale.
Then she did IB diploma (0-7). We never did know what her GPA was in a 4.0 scale.
The colleges figured it out. The only issue we had was our state school generally sends out partial scholarships based on GPA an the computer must not have been able to figure it out. We emailed admissions and it was figured out quickly and an offer was sent.</p>