IB ToK Question (Need Answers)

I attended an IB school for almost 10 years and left to pursue my dream of playing high school baseball at public school. That dream, however, did not work out. I am attempting to get back into my old school for senior year but I am missing half of the ToK credit. I’ve heard that the course can be taken online but I do not know if that is true or not. I’ve also heard that the EE can cover half of the credit but I do not know if that is at the schools discretion or not possible at all. Any help is needed because I desperately need this credit or I won’t be able to return to the school.

That’s up to your school as far as I know, but I’ve never heard of any policy like this. The IB coordinator at the school is the person who can answer this question.

^^ I agree with the above. Talk to the IB coordinator of the IB school you’re interested in transferring back to. No one on this site knows the policies of your school and thus we can’t advice you.