<p>Hello everyone. I am currently a freshman in high school. The high school I currently attend offers Honors classes and some AP classes. I could include a picture of all courses offered if needed. It is a fairly good high school, but it doesn't have an IB program. There are High schools in my area that offer the IB program. One being Murphy High School (Here is the website- Murphy</a> High School: Clubs & Organizations > International Baccalaureate-IB) and the other being Davidson High School. (Davidson</a> High School: Community Services > IB - Prospective Students) </p>
<p>I was curious if it would be beneficial to transfer to a school that offered IB program or stay at my current high school and take the best classes that they offer.</p>
<p>Would the IB diploma help me in the college application process? </p>
<p>Thanks for your time.</p>