IB vs College Courses

My current school has limited AP clases, but offers IB clases. If I continue to go here, I will complete the full IB program. However, I also have the opportunity to live on a college campus for junior and senior year and take math and science intensive college classes to satisfy high school requirements, while also earning a minimum of 60 credit hours (achieve undergrad sophomore status). Along with this, I will have many opportunites for research and travel abroad. I’m wondering which path would be more beneficial for college preparation and which would be seen in a better light in college admissions.

bump. any insight would be much appreciated :slight_smile: thanks guys!

College, probably.

Hey egk14045!

Colleges definitely consider the IB to be a rigorous and well-respected program of study, but it sounds like the latter option of actually studying on a college campus would be impressive and prepare you well for college life. Also, if you’re getting credit hours, that can reduce the amount of time you’ll spend in school, or allow you to take more advanced courses, which could be great. I’d say go for the second option.

^^^^^^^^^^^ +1 !!!

I have never heard of a Dual Enrollment program where the students get to live on Campus for their Junior and Senior Year. Can you provide some type of link to this program? In which State is this program and what University is this program associated with? Who pays the Tuition, Room & Board Cost? Sounds like it is an excellent program!

Thank you all for your responses! The school is called the Carol Martin Gatton Academy at Western Kentucky University. All tuition, room and board is payed for by the state, as it is a public school. http://www.wku.edu/academy/

Good luck with your application! My oldest son graduated from Gatton in 2013 and my youngest son is finishing up his application. It was a fantastic experience for my oldest. He had a great college application experience with many scholarship offers. He elected to matriculate to the University of Kentucky, with a fantastic scholarship, where he was allowed to enroll in graduate level courses his freshman year. His girlfriend from Gatton is also at UK. She was offered wonderful undergraduate research opportunities as an incoming freshman. There are HUGE opportunities for students who are willing to work hard at Gatton. :slight_smile: