
<p>So i posted this on the wrong thread- maybe ill get a response here </p>

<p>Ok so I am currently trying to figure out my schedule for next year and for the rest of high school. My school also offers Ib and AP and course selection depends on which route I want to go. I am interested in attending an ivy league school and want to make myself a compelling candidate, So is IB the way to go? Why? What is your experience with IB or AP? currently I take two APs (Chem and APUSH) as a freshman and will most likely take 3 next year. The IB program at my school is small 15 students compared to many more taking AP. So would it be good to differentiate myself like that? or Should i continue taking AP classes and most likely end up with 13-15 APs? It seems like the smarter kids take AP but that might because of the difference in numbers. Thank you very much.</p>

<p>the AP route is much better in terms of credits in America. but ask your principal if you can take APs as well as any IB classes that interest you (this is called IB certificate). Also are you sure your school can prep you for the IB exams?</p>

<p>I’ve read that most of the ivy league schools don’t give credit for AP or IB, so that’s a moot point if your focus is ivy league. In our area(not a large city so not a lot of choices), the IB program is considered more rigorous. IB is not as flexible as AP, where you can choose the courses that you like or that play to your strengths. Ask your GC what he or she considers most rigorous. This has some good things to consider for AP and IB. <a href=“Resources for Gifted Children & their Families | Davidson Institute”>Resources for Gifted Children & their Families | Davidson Institute;