IBanking summer analyst interviews

<p>I'm a junior at Johns Hopkins University and applied to mostly all of the BB's for their ibanking/research summer analyst positions. Does anyone know when they start notifying you if you got an interview? I go to a non-target school so they don't recruit or interview here on my campus, I would have to go to NYC to interview. When should they start getting back to people about interviews?</p>

<p>It’s still fairly early in the process, but I’ve got a second round interview with Goldman Sachs and notified of a first round with Lazard. I go to an Ivy target. The other banks will contact you about a week before your school’s interview date, which will vary from target to target.</p>

<p>Do ibanks typically interview nontarget students after they finish interviews with target schools? I’m just worried that it’s going to be extremely hard to even get an interview this year if you don’t go to a target school. Do you know when non-target school kids typically hear back about interviews?</p>

<p>I’m not sure what the process is like for non-target school students. My guess is that with the current financial landscape banks will be reducing their summer analyst class rather significantly. I would encourage you to network aggressively for interview slots with alums.</p>

<p>You are correct that it will be very hard even to get an interview this year if you’re not at a target school. Make sure to look more widely quickly and hope that next year will be better. Read a few threads down ‘good read’.</p>

<p>GS posted a summer analyst position at my school (state school, non-target) back in November. I applied and ended up skipping right past the 1st round to a final round set of interviews in december with other candidates from Boston-area non-targets (i.e. BC, Tufts, Babson, etc). Got a call a week later saying i made it through initial post-interview screenings and final decisions would be given to remaining candidates by end of January or early February. Still waiting to hear.</p>

<p>From what I’ve heard getting an interview from a non-target is the hardest part, but once you do, you just have to really impress them. I think my GPA (3.94 cum) and solid work experience definitely helped out though.</p>

<p>^In what area?</p>

<p>mje8711, back office/ operations is not an “investment banking” gig.</p>

<p>Its extremely difficult this year to get an internship. My son is a junior at Ross (U of M)with 3.94 gpa and excellent EC’s but no job yet. He says that only 2-3 Juniors have offers with BB. Hang in there everyone…</p>

<p>quick question, whats the interview rate for a school? In other words, if a company recruits/interviews at your school, how many students do they select for an interview out of those who applied?</p>

<p>Should it be a higher number or lower?</p>

<p>So I had 2 interviews with Morgan Stanley (Hopkins alum) on Sunday for IBD, a first round with Macquarie Capital on Tuesday, a corporate finance first round interview Tuesday, and tomorrow I have a first round Goldman interview. I also got an email from MS Fixed Income asking for a first round interview but they haven’t gotten back to me as to the day/time yet… anyone else going through interviews now?</p>

<p>so i’ve actually gotten an offer from SEO for their corporate finance program. i have a super day for morgan stanley’s fixed income s&t program next thursday. morgan stanley is my top top choice in terms of firms so i’m planning on going to the super day and hoping i impress the people there and land an offer directly with them. if not, i’m going to accept the offer with SEO and be happy that i even landed an internship with a bb this year. i still haven’t heard back from any other firm. my friend got a super day with ML ibanking but that’s not even until march 3rd…</p>

<p>meg926an, the first thing you will learn in banking is a lesson in humility. Your post had no point; all you did was boast and it makes you look like quite the tool.</p>

<p>sorry if it sounded like that, i don’t know what i was thinking… i guess i just didn’t even get my question out-has anyone had the experience of a super day and have any advice?</p>

<p>No worries, you seem like you’re doing very well in a tough market and you should be proud of yourself. But always be humble.</p>

<p>Re Superdays, they are marathons. You will be doing a series of back to back interviews with all sorts of different people from the bank. You will generally meet with both junior and senior bankers. It will vary from bank to bank, but generally, you will have 5 or 6 two on one interviews with each interview lasting approximately thirty minutes. Like I said, it’s a marathon - you want to come across enthusiastic and energetic in ALL of your interviews, not just the first two. Pace yourself and don’t lose steam. With one bank, all but one of the interviews were fit (well-known boutique so fit plays a big role). One interview, of course, was called the “technical room” – a sheepish play off “The Boiler Room” I guess. My advice is to approach it like the SATs: both are long, difficult, and require a great deal of knowledge. Get a good night’s rest, eat breakfast, pace yourself, and keep the energy/focus throughout ALL interviews. You can rest/sleep after you get that offer. Good luck.</p>

<p>thanks so much for the info. do banks usually have more than one superday for a certain division? mine’s for fi s&t and it’s on thursday but one of my friends who goes to the same school has his super day for fi s&t next monday… do they wait until both super days to make decisions?</p>